耸听通常被翻译为"deliberately exaggerate so as to create a sensation"的意思,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到48个与耸听相关的短语翻译和用法。
1. deliberately exaggerate so as to create a sensation
耸听翻译为deliberately exaggerate so as to create a sensation。
The government yesterday accused Greenpeace of scaremongering.
1. alarmism(危言耸听 )
2. scaremongering(危言耸听 )
3. alarmist(危言耸听的)
4. scaremonger(危言耸听者 )
5. scaremongerer(scaremonger\n['skεə,mʌnɡə; -mɔn-]\nn.\n(专事)散布耸人听闻消息的人,危言耸听者\nvi.\n散布耸人听闻消息,危言耸听:\n散布耸人听闻消息,危言耸听:\nShe always likes scaremongering.\n她总是爱危言耸听。)
Alarmist frightful to the ear ( 危言耸听 )
scare merchant Alarmist ( 危言耸听者 )
scarehead ( 耸听大标题 )
It aint no lie ( 这不是危言耸听 )
alarmist ( 危言耸听的 )
But it aint no lie ( 但这不是危言耸听 )
clever talk excites one to listen ( 巧言耸听 )
sensational lurid lokale amtliche ( 耸人听闻的 )
Sensational create a great sensation deliberately exagerate so as deliberately exagerate so as to c( 耸人听闻 )
1. The sound is of walls being built, vengeful political rhetoric, humanitarian values and principles on fire in the very countries that 70 years ago said never again to statelessness and hopelessness for the victims of war.
译文:舆论之墙高耸, 政客危言耸听, 人道主义价值和原则被丢弃, 这一切就发生在英国, 在这个曾在xx年前发出呐喊, 不要再有绝望的、无家可归的 战争受害者的国家。
2. Withoutwishing in any senseto overstate the case orcause undue alarm,nevertheless, the fact remains...
译文:即使尽量避免夸大事实 Withoutwishing in any senseto overstate the case 或者危言耸听 状况仍然... orcause undue alarm,nevertheless, the fact remains...。
3. i grew up in Red Hook, and i don't want to surprise anybody, but i got into a few fistfights along the way.
译文:我在红钩镇长大 并不想危言耸听 不过一直以来我打过不少架。
4. it's not so crazy as it sounds, Dean.
5. He's stirring us up with these sensational statements! i'm not scared! Duo Long!
6. (Laughter) Relatives are already scaring him about his daughter wandering off, teasing him with talk of his daughter crossing the border.
译文:(笑声) 我的亲戚们已经在发布 危言耸听的言论, 关于他的女儿如何四处乱逛, 用她如何越过做女人 底线的话题来取笑他。
7. Well, i hate to morbid, Jackie, but i don't see a scenario where Mr. O'Brien makes it out alive.
译文:不是我危言耸听 杰姬 Well, I hate to morbid, Jackie, 但我不认为奥布莱恩先生 but I don't see a scenario where Mr. O'Brien。
8. Undeterred, in January of 2004, i started Participant Productions with the vision to be a global media company focused on the public interest.
译文:(笑声) 虽然危言耸听,在xx年xx月,我还是创立了“参与者制作公司” 希望他能成为一个全球性的媒体公司 并专注于公共利益。
9. My dear, the police are always on the alarmist side.
10. i had to listen to 4 years of this relentless obsession of yours and you know what i think?
译文:这种危言耸听了 你知道我是怎么想的吗。
11. First you tell the king there's no threat, then you want all the power for yourself.
译文:首先你对国王危言耸听 然后你就趁机独自霸占龙石的力量。
12. Some people might call that pretty sensational.
13. With respect, Mr. Secretary, we don't need more dramatics, we need options.
译文:请恕我直言,部长先生 请你别危言耸听 我们需要别的选择。
14. Twist facts to make a point
15. And that if we don't do that, the antithesis, although we've heard otherwise, is we're really going to become extinct, because we're feeding our children to death.
译文:如果我们不那么做的话,对立面将会是, 不是危言耸听, 人类将会灭绝, 因为我们的喂养方式会使孩子们一步步走向死亡。