三国混血的英语是"trinational",还网络中常译为"group of three",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到47个与三国混血相关的译文和例句。
1. trinational
2. group of three
三国混血翻译为group of three。
示例:No, there must be three boys and three girls in each group.
不 每组必须三个男孩三个女孩
3. Three Kingdoms period
三国混血翻译为Three Kingdoms period。
示例:Why not the Story of Three Kingdoms?
4. the three kingdoms
三国混血翻译为the three kingdoms。
示例:# Taking kingdoms from Tsars
# Taking kingdoms from Tsars
1. group of three(三国集团)
2. Three Kingdoms period(三国时期)
3. trinational( 三国)
4. mikuni([地名] [日本] 三国)
5. the three kingdoms(《三国演义》)
1. We've been the tri-county area's... penis retrieval experts for 64 years.
译文:我们的服务横跨三国 在解放小弟弟方面有着xx年的经验。
2. He signed a new military alliance with italy and with Japan - the Tripartite Pact.
译文:他和意大利及日本签定了 一个新的军事联盟... 三国同盟公约。
3. All the same, Stalin seized his chance while Hitler was preoccupied with the battle for Britain to grab first the Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and then, within the same month, those parts of Romania known as Bessarabia and northern Bukovina -
译文:尽管如此,斯大林抓住机会 趁希特勒还忙于不列颠战役 先是夺取了波罗的海三国, 爱沙尼亚,拉脱维亚和立陶宛。
4. They come in here and they just got 3 pipelines going across here, going in all different directions, and it's just completely destroyed this guy's property.
译文:三国天然气管道切过的风景。土地的所有者 已经被彻底摧毁。
5. Years later, the three Kingdoms were finally united
6. Three thousand cargo ships are currently under construction in the shipyards of Korea, China and Japan, which provide 90% of the world's production.
译文:在中日韩三国的造船厂里 目前在造的有3000艘货轮 制造量占到了世界的90%。
7. Germany, italy and Japan concluded the Tripartite Pact.
8. 1940, after the June coup he was convicted.
译文:xx年,xx月事变后,他被杀害了 【xx年xx月苏联吞并波罗的海三国】。
9. Well, the elimination of German, italian, and Japanese war power means the unconditional surrender of Germany, italy, and Japan.
译文:所以,消灭德、意、日战争力量的目标 就是要迫使德、意、日三国无条件投降。
10. Mixed blood. Of Spanish origin.
译文:混血 源自西班牙。
11. i like watching"The Three Kingdoms" when i was small.
12. Who serves his country as those three men did with their deaths.
13. i'm not sure did i ever return it to you?
译文:那本《三国演义》 我还给你了没有。
14. in "Three Kingdoms" i acted three parts all by myself.
译文:《三国》里 我一人就演了三个角色。
15. His arrest, while on business in Germany, was made possible by the flawless cooperation ofeuropean police forces in Germany, italy and France.
译文:得益于德国、意大利和法国三国警 方的通力合作, 他在德国作商务旅行时被逮捕。