作家的作品用英语怎么说 作家的作品英语翻译

作家的作品用英语怎么说 作家的作品英语翻译

作家的作品的英语是"  Writer's works",还经常被译作  Writers,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到78个与作家的作品相关的译文和例句。


1.   Writer's works

作家的作品翻译为   Writer's works。

Read great writers for inspiration.


2.   Writers

作家的作品翻译为   Writers。

The only way to appreciate how you meet there is by studying a variety of authors.



1. juvenilia(作家少年时代的作品 )

2. Lawrencian(a. (英国作家)劳伦斯[作品,风格]的)

3. Lawrentian(a. (英国作家)劳伦斯[作品,风格]的)

4. omnibus book(文选集(一个作家的作品))

5. omnibus volume(文选集(一个作家的作品))


1. i'm a published author of several children's stories and such.

译文:我是一个发表作品的作家... ... 的的几个孩子的故事 等。

2. i'm a writer, Mother. People buy my work.

译文:我是位作家 妈妈 有人买我的作品。

3. You know the writer... needs a drink to talk or write on something.

译文:作家先生嘛 喝一杯才能写出好作品。

4. An author should be recognized only by his work


5. What really matters here is that John k butzin is finally a published author.

译文:这里有什么真正重要的是 约翰Butzin是 最后一个发表作品的作家。

6. i'm a writer, but so far nothing i've written has ever been published.


7. Let me write a book for you.

译文:最畅销作家 -恩 最畅销作家。

8. Yeah, mostly Eastern European authors.


9. i wondered what a handwriting expert would make of her childish scrawl.

译文:看看一个优秀的作家 对她这种幼稚的作品会是什么反应。

10. She was asking whether you have been moved by reading others' books, written by other writers or some other artists?

译文:她在问,你有没有被其他作家 或者艺术家的作品所感动过。

11. - i'm going to be a writer.


12. We cannot understand how the author's work and his personal life are connected.

译文:将作品牵扯上作家的私事 我不懂有什么意义。

13. Writer isn't the best judge of his own work.


14. Bring on the provocative writers.


15. Morgan was by no means the only wordsmith to share his work with me in this way.

译文:Morgan 并不是唯一一个 愿意用这种方式和我分享他的作品的作家。

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