七十周年华诞用英语怎么说 七十周年华诞英语翻译

七十周年华诞用英语怎么说 七十周年华诞英语翻译

七十周年华诞的英语可以这样说:golden jubilee,还可以翻译为golden jubilees,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到78个与七十周年华诞相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. golden jubilee

七十周年华诞翻译为golden jubilee。

示例:This is the peace jubilee, Not the attack zeng with a flute jubilee.
这是和平节 不要用笛子打增


2. golden jubilees

七十周年华诞翻译为golden jubilees。

示例:Boy, i wish i had someplace to hide out.


3. golden wedding

七十周年华诞翻译为golden wedding。

示例:["Mooby the Golden Calf" plays indistinctly]
["Mooby the Golden Calf" plays indistinctly]


4. semicentennials


1. golden jubilees(na. 五十周年)

2. sesquicentennial(n. 一百五十周年纪念\na. 一百五十周年纪念的)

3. golden jubilee(n. 五十周年纪念)

4. golden wedding(金婚(结婚五十周年纪念))

5. semicentennials(adj. xx年一度的;持续半个世纪的\nn. 五十周年;五十周年纪念\n 五十周年的;每xx年的;五十周年纪念日)


1. Then... To the success of our 10-year reunion.


2. Never know your luck when there's a free-for-all

译文:Alun Armstrong 饰 德纳第先生 1985 伦敦首演版 1995 十周年纪念版 天上掉馅饼 人人都有份。

3. Aldous Snow Live at the Greek Theatre, which is one of the highest selling live albums of all time.

译文:的十周年纪念了 这是史上最热卖的演唱会专辑之一。

4. My employees gave it to me... on the tenth anniversary of the Berlin Airlift.

译文:是我的员工们在柏林空运 十周年纪念日送我的。

5. This year is the 10th anniversary of Dr. Masterson's invention Solar Canopy 70% of the world population do not have to worry about energy crisis anymore.

译文:xx年是马博士发明太阳能天幕的十周年纪念 全世界百份之七十的人类 都脱离了能源危机的压力。

6. 40th School Anniversary 14 October 2001

译文:学校的四十周年庆祝活动 xx年xx月xx日。

7. To 20 years of you and me.


8. Yeah, once. There was this guy who was late

译文:只有一次 有个男人 在结婚十周年纪念那天迟到了。

9. Since this is our 10th anniversary, why don't we let the kids stay at Grandma's and Grandpa's all night?

译文:-嗯? 既然是我咱们的十周年纪念 为什么不让孩子们。

10. But enough about my ten-year reunion.

译文:-away with my asthma inhaler. 不多说我这十周年同学会了 But enough about my ten。

11. On our 20th wedding anniversary, it hits mid-life crisis... Major!

译文:在我们结婚二十周年 遇上了中年危机,很严重的。

12. We're also coming upon the 50th anniversary of the assassination of JFK, which also took place in Dallas.

译文:现在也临近 肯尼迪遇刺五十周年 也发生在达拉斯。

13. And for the location... it will be our 10th year reunion, so our old school would be good.

译文:地点的话 因为是我们毕业十周年 就定在富士见高中的教室集合吧。

14. He keeps trying to get me to come in for our 10-year reunion.


15. i'm serious it's Uncle 6 Auntie 6's 50th anniversary later this month

译文:我跟你说正经呀 月底,六叔公六叔婆结婚五十周年金婚。

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