吊环用英语怎么说 吊环的英语翻译

吊环用英语怎么说 吊环的英语翻译

吊环的英语是"the swinging ring",还经常被译作10 These factors are 60m race long jump the height of athlete’s single arm-raising skill index barb,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到95个与吊环相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. the swinging ring

吊环翻译为the swinging ring。

They were already dangling a little because of the heat.


2. 10 These factors are 60m race long jump the height of athlete’s single arm-raising skill index barb

吊环翻译为 10 These factors are 60m race long jump the height of athlete’s single arm-raising skill index barb。

Or there might be black rings, which would simply be ring-shaped.


3. flying rings

吊环翻译为flying rings。

You can choose the rings, hook type, derrick installation.


4. lifting padeyes -

吊环翻译为 lifting padeyes -。

示例:You're lifting off in 5 minutes.
You're lifting off in 5 minutes.



1. elevator links(吊环)

2. eye lifting(吊环)

3. flying ring(吊环)

4. handling ring(吊环)

5. hoist link(吊环)


Eyebolt lifting eye bolt eye screw eyes bolts & eye nuts ( 吊环螺栓 机 )

Wooden curtain rod and ring ( 木制窗帘杆及吊环 )

lifting nut Liftin ( 吊环螺母 )

copper-plated iron screw ring plated iron screw ring ( 镀紫铜铁吊环螺钉 )

pipe pendant ( 管吊环 )

shoulder eyebolt ( 带肩吊环螺栓 机 )

stationary rings ( 静止吊环 )


1. What would you guys say if i told you i was ready to get up on those rings again?

译文:如果我说我准备好重新上吊环 你们会说些什么。

2. The strap must be too short.


3. No, Dan, 'cause i've seen your ego nearly kill you up on those rings about 100 times and i am not ready to see that happen for real.

译文:不,丹 因为我看见过你的自负 差点在吊环上害死你上百次 我还没准备好看着它真正发生。

4. You don't need him or any letter to get up on those rings and do what you love.

译文:你不需要那封信或者是他 来让你放弃吊环或你的所爱。

5. i tink you had better leave before you make tings worse for yourself!

译文:我天衣你最好离开 你做之前吊环 更糟的自己。

6. Tings are so tidy, you know.


7. You have better tings for you t'worry about.

译文:你必须对你更好吊环 t'worry有关。

8. Thinks it's gonna make him lord of the rings.


9. Floor Exercise, Pommel Horse, Still Rings

译文:地板 鞍马 吊环。

10. Look, mi have some tings to deal with.

译文:你看,MI有一定的 吊环处理。

11. Now, homeland security, makin' tings a lot tougher for the little man.

译文:现在,国土安全, 金'吊环了很多的小男人强硬。

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