补益中气用英语怎么说 补益中气英语翻译

补益中气用英语怎么说 补益中气英语翻译

补益中气用英语翻译为"tonifying recipes",还网络中常译为"middle qi",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到80个与补益中气相关的短语释义和例句。


1. tonifying recipes

补益中气翻译为tonifying recipes。

示例:And you see these recipes on the side?


2. middle qi

补益中气翻译为middle qi。

示例:While she's, you know, in the middle of...
in the middle of...


3. mesophere

4. invigorating kidney qi

补益中气翻译为invigorating kidney qi。

示例:This is for the invigorating of kidney and this one for the reforcing of vital energy
这是补肾的 这是补气的



1. tonifying recipes(补益剂)

2. middle qi(中气)

3. invigorating kidney qi(补益肾气)

4. mesophere(中气层)

5. mesocyclone tornado(中气旋龙卷)


Buzhong Yiqi Decoction habituational ( 补中益气汤 )

Invigorator Tea Pill Buzhong Yiqi Pill ( 补中益气丸 )

Spleen-Qi Nourishing Chinese Herbal ( 补脾益气中药 )

Buzhongyiqi Pills BZYQPS ( 建立补中益气丸 )

Buzhongyiqi Pills BZYQPS ( 目的建立补中益气丸 )

Journal of Ningxia Medical College ( 补中益气汤新用举隅 )

Bushen Yiqi Recipe ( 补肾益气中药 )

Chinese Community Doctors ( 补中益气汤临床新用 )


1. Now my chest hurts! Oh, the agony!


2. Core Europe around Germany and France and others will still work, be functional, stable, wealthy, integrated.

译文:围绕着德法的欧洲核心国家, 能依旧正常运行, 依旧稳定、富裕、互相补益。

3. But he was of no importance.

译文:却是他们中气场最弱 最微不起眼的一位。

4. One study showed that even when people do this, they tend to rate the smell subjectively according to how bad they thought it was going to be.

译文:研究显示即使人们这样做, 它们倾向于主观地 根据他们自己想像中气味来评价那气味。

5. When the shuttle reaches the stratosphere the secondary insertion booster will fire propelling the craft at 4gs into the mesosphere.

译文:当我们到达平流层时 第二组推进器会被点燃 然后以4g的加速度将我们推入中气层。

6. But i'll die faster if the operation goes badly!

译文:神经病! 泄了中气怎么办。

7. There's a continual leakage at the well head, there's leakage from the storage and processing facilities, purposeful venting, also accidental leaks.


8. "The attorney has died before reaching the hospital.

译文:在送院途中气绝身亡 还有气泡。

9. i felt how good the food and the atmosphere were here.


10. This image reveals tiny variations in the density of the gas that fills the early universe.

译文:这幅图片表明了 早期宇宙中气体密度的变更.。

11. it's like swallowing a burnt condom full of gas.

译文:- 这就像吞咽 燔避孕套中气十足。

12. That was an airflow from the air.


13. - prepare to ventilate the boat.

译文:- 准备排放艇中气体。

14. This involves solving the famous Navier-Stokes equations to find the variation of pressure in the air due to the supersonic aircraft flying through it.

译文:可以通过求解著名的纳维-斯托克斯方程 来找寻空气中气压的变化 因为超音速飞机是在空气中飞行的。

15. For this episode, the crew discovered how harsh the Great Rift can be.

译文:这一集,剧组人员将继续探寻 大裂谷中气候更严峻的地方。

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