1. decrease
The waves were so strong that they forced huge pieces of ice to jump up and down, breaking the ice into smaller pieces within just one hour.
2. lower
The price of vegetables often yo-yos in different seasons.
1. floating downward(下浮)
2. float downward([经] 下浮)
3. hyporelief(下浮雕)
4. inset emboss(凹下浮雕)
5. submerged float(水下浮标)
undersea buoy system subsurface buoy system ( 水下浮标系统 )
float up or down Fluctuate ( 上下浮动 )
subsurface float submerged float ( 水下浮标 水运 )
inset emboss ( 凹下浮雕 )
sub-surface buoy ( 水下浮筒 )
floating downward ( 汇率下浮 )
catanadromous ( 上下浮游的鱼群 )
hyporelief ( 下浮雕 古生 )
1. Then they line up to create the kind of wave that washed the seal off the floe.
译文:然后它们有排成一行来造浪 就是把海豹冲下浮冰的那种。
2. Swimming in formation, the killers create a wave to wash the seal off the floe.
译文:列队游泳的虎鲸激起一阵波浪 把海豹冲下浮冰。
3. We go back down. it's going to go up and down.
4. You can use lifestyle choices to move your weight up and down within that range, but it's much, much harder to stay outside of it.
译文:你可以通过选择生活方式来改变你的体重 在这个范围内上下浮动 但是如果要超出这个范围 将是非常非常困难的。
5. But here's something that should keep you awake at night: the probability that your company will not be around in five year's time, on average, is now a staggering 32 percent.
译文:但有些事可能会让你难以入眠 你的公司在xx年后倒闭的可能性 平均在32%上下浮动。
6. So we see the inhales, exhales -- so see, these ups and downs are Zach breathing.
译文:我们可以在这儿看到他的呼吸, 这些上下浮动的曲线 就是扎克的呼吸。
7. if the waves, instead, have short wavelengths, they'll be close together, and you'll bob up and down much more often, at a high frequency.
译文:然而,相反的,如果是波长很短的波浪, 波浪之间会靠的很紧, 然后你就会感觉船在明显的上下浮动, 这就是以很高的频率。
8. Oh, my! Ladies and gentlemen, off come the floaties!
9. We go back down. it's going to go up and down.
10. Each seedling is a little paratrooper, floating on the wind risking everything for a safe place to land.
译文:每一个种子都是一个小伞兵 Each seedling is a little paratrooper, 它漂浮在空气中 floating on the wind, 上下浮沉,寻找一个安全之所 risking everything for a safe place to land.。
11. But you don't even have to dig. You just scoop some dirt and there's a little chunk of gold.
译文:扫一下浮土 就能发现金子。
12. Used to bob up and down like a cork just...
译文:在水面轻松地上下浮沉 只为。
13. Since the mass of the original star can fall within a wide range, its peak brightness as a supernova can also vary widely.
译文:由于爆发前那颗恒星的质量 Since the mass of the original star 上下浮动的区间很大 can fall within a wide range, 它变为超新星后的峰值亮度 its peak brightness as a supernova。
14. And sure enough, it is a dead otter, i guess, a big, brown pale lump floating up and down mournfully...
译文:果然,它是 死水獭,我猜, 一个大的,棕色的苍白的肿块 上下浮动 悲哀...。
15. Sadness is indicated by the inner corners of the eyebrows being drawn inwards and upwards, drooping eyes, and a downturned mouth.
译文:悲伤表现在眉头的部分 不断的上下浮动, 下垂的眼睛, 嘴巴缩小。