万条垂下绿丝绦用英语怎么说 万条垂下绿丝绦英语翻译

万条垂下绿丝绦用英语怎么说 万条垂下绿丝绦英语翻译

万条垂下绿丝绦用英语说"sulcaria virens",还可以翻译为drop ruck rudder,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到58个与万条垂下绿丝绦相关的翻译和例句。


1. sulcaria virens

2. drop ruck rudder

万条垂下绿丝绦翻译为drop ruck rudder。

示例:Left, hard rudder! Left, hard rudder, sir!
左满舵 左满舵,长官


3. mips


示例:But if you ask me, what will it cost for one MiPS of computing in 2010, or the cost to sequence a base pair of DNA in 2012, or the cost of sending a megabyte of data wirelessly in 2014, it turns out that those are very predictable.
但是如果你问我,在xx年 每秒百万次计算的成本 或者一个DNA碱基对的排序在xx年的成本, 或者是在xx年无线发送一兆字节数据的成本, 这些东西是非常可以预测的。


4. hang one's head

万条垂下绿丝绦翻译为hang one's head。

示例:(* "Let's Hang On" by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons)
- "Let's Hang On" ◎ Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons - Let's Hang On



1. flap down(垂下)

2. mips(每秒百万条指令)

3. drop ruck rudder(垂下舵)

4. hang one's head(把头垂下)

5. sulcaria virens(绿丝槽枝)


1. FO: We would save half a million lives every year.

译文:费思 奥斯勒:每年我们可以 拯救50万条生命。

2. Every day, each one swallows some four million krill.


3. My message to those 100,000 people, those 100,000 letters is: don't wait for Washington.

译文:我给这10万人,那10万条留言的回复是: 不要等待华盛顿。

4. it's reached about seven-and-a-half million human feelings now.


5. A silicon strand is lowered from the ceiling, alongside hundreds of others.

译文:一根坚韧的丝从天顶上垂下 边上还有好几百根。

6. if you Google regret and tattoo, you will get 11.5 million hits.

译文:如果你在谷歌上搜索后悔和纹身 能有1150万条结果。

7. i estimate we thereby saved over 60 million lives.

译文:我估计因此而拯救了 超过6000万条的生命。

8. (Laughter) For 10,000 pieces.

译文:(笑) 订单数量是1万条。

9. in the summer of 2001, iraq sought to purchase 60,000 high-alloy 7075 T6 aluminum tubes manufactured in China.

译文:xx年夏季,伊拉克... 打算购买中国制造的6万条... 精炼合金铝管。

10. Sam, it's half a million text messages.


11. There's something like 870,000 comments and growing on that last post.

译文:那条最后的微博下面 有接近 87 万条留言, 这个数字还在不断上升。

12. Fold your hands! Lower your eyes!


13. if you Google regret and tattoo, you will get 11.5 million hits.

译文:如果你在谷歌上搜索后悔和纹身 能有1150万条结果。

14. After you take out that 99.999 percent, that tiny percentage of tweets remaining works out to roughly 150,000 per month.

译文:在你剔除那99.999%之后, 剩下的那丁点推文 被计算出 每月约有15万条。

15. So i just lowered my head and looked away

译文:我垂下头... 不敢看。

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