安信用英语怎么说 安信的英语翻译

安信用英语怎么说 安信的英语翻译

安信的英语为"Biapenem for injection",在日常中也可以翻译为"  Ansion",在《实用英语词典》中,共找到35个与安信相关的释义和例句。


1. Biapenem for injection

安信翻译为Biapenem for injection。

I plan to add EMC when the time is right.


2.   Ansion

安信翻译为   Ansion。

EMC stock investors happy hearts at ease!


3.   A&W

安信翻译为   A&W。

Essence Securities Xu Biao believes that a decent rebound may occur in the market, mainly due to three reasons.


4.   NavAccess


1. Energy Trust( 安瑞信杰;能量信任;安瑞信杰广告有限公司)

2. amane(安满能;阿玛尼;小谷信)

3. harunobu( 信;玄信)

4. rejection letter( 拒纳信;拒信;拒绝信)

5. pistis( 信;信实;因信)


Danny Ahn Ahn Danny DANNY DannyAnn ( 安信源 )

ESSENCE SECURITIES essences ( 安信证券 )

Ashton-Tate AXIND Angelstars AXIND AAE ( 安信达 )

TouchUbiCom ( 安信思拓 )

CISPSorg China CISSP ( 华安信达 )

PrimeCredit ( 安信信贷 )

EMC Corporation EMC Corp ( 易安信公司 )


1. Lord Toranaga wishes us to go with him.

译文:快告诉安金 鸟中领主希望我们和野信将军一起走。

2. Where Exley hid the trust fund for your daughter.

译文:安奎拉群岛,Exley 为你女儿藏匿信托基金的地方。

3. This is excellent. Make sure Father Anselme receives it.

译文:太好了 务必让安森神父收到这封信。

4. CA: Professor Hawking, thank you for that answer.

译文:安德信: 霍金教授, 谢谢您的解答.。

5. Louanne, Louanne, Louanne, Louanne.

译文:露安, 露安, 露安, 露安.。

6. i love it. Arnie. Arnie, Arnie, Arnie.

译文:安尼,安尼,安尼,安尼 Just relax。

7. The alternative is that civilizations don't last very long, but destroy themselves.

译文:就自我毁灭掉. 安德信: 霍金教授, 谢谢您的解答.。

8. "...you will receive this letter immediately after the DeLorean's struck by lightning.

译文:在你看到迪罗里安 被闪电击中后 你会马上看到这封信。

9. - Sion. Sion. Sion hospital.

译文:- 锡安 锡安 锡安医院。

10. Brother Erian believed this. i do not.


11. We must believe. We must believe...


12. We may still have mail. -Mail, mail, mail. Mail.

译文:- 信,信,信...。

13. it's personal. i have orders.

译文:总指挥阿米安的信 要亲手交给他,这是命令。

14. Just get the mail, get the mail.


15. Careful, Ani. Careful, Ani!

译文:当心 安 当心 安。

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