一个新课程表用英语怎么说 一个新课程表英语翻译

一个新课程表用英语怎么说 一个新课程表英语翻译

一个新课程表的英语可以这样说:on the trot,还可以翻译为table of curriculum,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到80个与一个新课程表相关的释义和例句。


1. on the trot

一个新课程表翻译为on the trot。

示例:- Always on the trot, he was.
- 他总是接二连三


2. table of curriculum

一个新课程表翻译为table of curriculum。

示例:This is the academy curriculum.
这是学院的 计划


3. new course

一个新课程表翻译为new course。

示例:That traitor is a guy, of course
of course


4. one by one

一个新课程表翻译为one by one。

示例:Like, one down here, one here, one here, one here, gay.
Like, one down here, one here, one here, one here, gay.



1. table of curriculum(课程表)

2. new course( 新球场;新课程;最新课程)

3. Learning Paths( 学习路线;学习课程表)

4. on the trot(一个接一个)

5. one by one(一个接一个)


1. There's a new program at the Vatican designed to reteach the clergy the rite of exorcism.

译文:现在梵蒂冈有一个新课程... 重新教授教士驱魔仪式。

2. So the curriculum is on the desk.


3. i just assumed that the second-grade curriculum had rendered you quizzical.

译文:我认为xx年级的课程表 和你那造型相得益彰。

4. i need the class schedule for Edward Linney.


5. Here are your class schedules.


6. Class schedule, reading list, date book, concert tickets, concert tickets.

译文:课程表 阅读书单 日程安排 音乐会票根 音乐会票根。

7. Do you have a course book?


8. i have taken the time to print up a complete schedule... of class quizzes and the chapters they cover.

译文:我花时间打印了一份完整的课程表... 关于课程测验以及它们所涉及的章节。

9. So i was in New York recently, and i walked past a gym that had an advertisement in the window for a new course, a new evening course.

译文:我最近在纽约,路过一家健身馆 他们橱窗上有一个新课程的广告,是个晚间课程。

10. i mean, are you teaching the Bill of Rights this semester or did that not make the program?

译文:你这学期不是还要教人权法案吗? 还是那没加进课程表裹。

11. So i was in New York recently, and i walked past a gym that had an advertisement in the window for a new course, a new evening course.

译文:我最近在纽约,路过一家健身馆 他们橱窗上有一个新课程的广告,是个晚间课程。

12. Gentlemen, we have a new course.


13. i will now read you the schedule.


14. it was in 1829, and it was invented by a guy who was starting a curriculum -- a course, bringing together all the kinds of arts and crafts, and industry -- and he called it "Technology."

译文:是在xx年。一个安排课程表, 课程的人发明了它,用来把工艺美术和工业整合到 一起。他称它为技术。

15. The pilot should have our schedule!


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