鲤科的英语为"Cyprinidae",还可以翻译为cyprinidae -,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到87个与鲤科相关的译文和例句。
1. Cyprinidae
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) isozymes of 20 species of Cyprinidae fish were analysed with disc polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
2. cyprinidae -
鲤科翻译为 cyprinidae -。
Of, relating to, or resembling a carp or other cyprinid fish.
3. Carp
鲤科翻译为 Carp。
A huge variety of fish, including cod, bream, mussels, salmon and sturgeon, is being farmed, providing food for people all over the world.
4. Characidae
1. cyprinid(鲤 鲤科鱼)
2. cyprininae(鲤亚科;鲤亚科鱼;鲤科鱼类分为鲤亚科)
3. Characidae(鱼 脂鲤科 鲑鲤科)
4. family Cyprinodontidae( 鲤科)
5. Moonfishes(琴鲤科)
Characidae Characins Hepsetidae Family Characidae ( 脂鲤科 鱼 )
Cynodontidae ( 犬齿脂鲤科 )
Kuhliidae aholeholes ( 汤鲤科 )
Catostomidae ( 吸口鲤科 )
Manidae the pangolin family ( 鲮鲤科 鱼 )
Anostomidae ( 上口脂鲤科 鱼 )
Lebiasinidae ( 短嘴脂鲤科 )
bream cyprinid cyprinoid fishes danios ( 鲤科鱼 )
Alestidae ( 非洲脂鲤科 )
1. Yeah, but there would be a ton of firewalls to protect proprietary information.
译文:⊿岿 ﹚Τ计窾瑸ň鲤玂臔尽Τ獭。
2. Then...if you see the 7-color carp, make a wish for her to come to school
译文:那看见七色鲤后就祈祷 她来学校。
3. (Snores) Farkle Farkle Farkle.
译文:弗科 弗科 弗科。
4. Do you know the legend about this river having a 7-color carp?
译文:你知道 这条河里有七色鲤的传说吗。
5. We only raise species with high market value, sea bream, salmon and bass.
译文:我们只养殖市场价值高的品种 海鲤,鲑鱼和鲈鱼。
6. The original chemist tested 38 materials inside the Sullivan home... drywall, door sills, fabric, foam, plastic ...
译文:讽て厩产Sullivan产代刚38贺 鲤 耧 麓 犸猨 鹅...。
7. The other two went over the wall!
8. Kioko Kilulu. Kioko Kilulu?
译文:科科 科鲁鲁 科科 科鲁鲁。
9. The commotion attracts dorado, known locally as the river tiger.
译文:骚动引来了麻哈脂鲤 当地人称之为"河中之虎"。
10. Over 300 species breed here, including red-bellied piranha
译文:大约有300多种动物在此繁殖, 其中包括红腹锯脂鲤。
11. Kholokov just went inside.
译文:科勒科夫 刚进去。
12. Yes. it's him, it's Kholokov.
译文:就是他 科勒科夫。
13. You could at least wait by the wall, and give her a letter once she comes near it.
译文:ぶ璶鲤娩单, 讽綼,倒獭。
14. Well, only a fraction of the Louvre is on the walls.
译文:瓳. 缟叠甤Τ场だ狥﹁ 琌本鲤.。
15. How can i trust the man who breached the walls of my city?
译文:и或獭 ю炒и鲤。