牧业的英语为"stock raising",其次还可以说成"animal husbandry -",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到78个与牧业相关的翻译和例句。
1. stock raising
牧业翻译为stock raising。
The high prices encouraged the peasants to improve their animal husbandry techniques; for example, they began feeding their animals indoors in order to raise the milk yield of their cows.
2. animal husbandry -
牧业翻译为 animal husbandry -。
The report also says that intensive livestock operations can pose serious ecological risks.
3. animal product industry
牧业翻译为 animal product industry。
So pastoralism is a more extensive lifeway than farming is.
4. the stock raising -
牧业翻译为 the stock raising -。
示例:Now i stay at home every day, raising my dogs, speculating in the stock market
我现在每天在家里就每天养养狗 炒炒股
1. livestock production(牧业生产)
2. stockbreeding(畜牧业 )
3. livestock agriculture(畜牧业)
4. livestock sector(畜牧业)
5. pastoral farming(畜牧业)
animal husbandry the livestock industry ( 畜牧业 )
livestock tax Animal Husbandry Tax tax on livestock farming tax on animal husbandry ( 牧业税 )
stock raiser stockman stock farmer grazier ( 畜牧业者 )
CAAA CNKC China Animal Agriculture Association ( 中国畜牧业协会 )
special agriculture zone ( 农牧业专区 )
MODERN FARMING China Modern Dairy CH MODERN ( 现代牧业 )
sideline animal husbandry sideline animal hu andry ( 副业畜牧业 )
1. A lot was about animal agriculture...
译文:很多是关于 畜牧业.。
2. And we also need to re-examine livestock.
3. As i said, 18 percent of greenhouse gases are attributed to livestock production.
译文:就像我说的,百分之十八的温室气体 由畜牧业产生。
4. The inability to answer along with the environmental organisations' silence on animal agriculture, suggested that something more was going on.
译文:不能回答 随着对环境的 组织"的沉默 畜牧业。
5. Households had more assets -- things like livestock or land or savings.
译文:家家户户都有较多资产, 例如畜牧业、土地和储蓄。
6. US Livestock industry (Senate Agriculture Committee) can dictate policies on producing food.
译文:美国畜牧业 (参议院农业委员会) 可以决定政策 在生产食品。
7. Currently almost half of US land is dedicated to animal agriculture.
译文:目前,美国的土地几乎一半是 专注于畜牧业。
8. i'd been so caught up in the destruction caused by animal agriculture
译文:我会一直这样陷入了毁灭 造成畜牧业。
9. You're right about one thing; The beginning of herds.
译文:你说对了一件事 做蓄牧业。
10. This is because it takes up to 9500 litres of water to produce 450 grams of beef.
译文:而对于55%的 畜牧业。这是因为它需要 达9500升的水。
11. What about ... what about livestock and animal agriculture?
译文:怎么样? 怎么样家畜 和畜牧业。
12. is it more more fuel fossils or is it more animal agriculture?
译文:是不是越多的化石燃料 或者是更畜牧业。
13. i spent 45 years of my life in animal agriculture.
译文:我花了xx年的生活 在畜牧业。
14. (Voice of the President Kay Smith Animal Agriculture Alliance) [?
译文:总统凯・史密斯(语音 畜牧业联盟) [。
15. i had to speak with an animal agriculture lobbyist to see what they would say.
译文:我不得不说话了 畜牧业说客 看看他们会说些什么。