列强用英语怎么说 列强的英语翻译

列强用英语怎么说 列强的英语翻译

列强用英语翻译为"the foreign powers -",还可以翻译为  foreign powers,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到67个与列强相关的短语释义和例句。


1. the foreign powers -

列强翻译为 the foreign powers -。

Liberia was never colonized by the European powers.


2.   foreign powers

列强翻译为   foreign powers。

European powers agree to end privateering.


3.   Great Powers

列强翻译为   Great Powers。

In 1920 the great powers promised them an independent state.


4.   Powers

列强翻译为   Powers。

示例:- General Powers is on the line.



1. great powers( 大国;强权;列强俱乐部)

2. Western Powers(西方列强(western power的复数))

3. lepantoes(Lepanto\n[li'pantəu]\n[希腊语] Navpaktos(纳夫帕克托斯)勒班陀(希腊西部海港)\n勒班陀海湾\nStrait of,[亦称作Rion Strait]勒班陀海峡(位于爱奥尼亚海与科林斯湾之间)\n(1571 年欧洲列强击败土耳其的)勒班陀湾大战)


Western power Western powers Western Great Powers ( 西方列强 )

western powers down the path of colonization exploitation ( 西方列强殖民掠夺 )

Powers european powers ( 欧洲列强 )

tandem reinforcement ( 系列强化 )

serial reinforcement ( 序列强化 )

Imperialist aggression ( 列强的侵略 )

European power's interference ( 欧洲列强干涉 )


1. A place, a trading station of their own.


2. neither the late ito-san nor the Western Powers can save your skin.

译文:死去的伊藤君帮不了你 英美列强也帮不了你。

3. Number one: China feels as if it's been humiliated at the hands of the West through a hundred years of history, beginning with the Opium Wars.

译文:第一:中国知道在过去的一百年历史里 从鸦片战争开始 备受西方列强的欺辱。

4. i do most of my work with the anti-rape team.


5. Revive the Giant Warrior, defy both great powers, and learn to live with that thing.

译文:复活巨神兵 排除列强的干涉 和巨神兵共存。

6. As was the agreement Mexico signed in 1983.


7. The imperial, colonial nations alliance defeated the Boxer Uprising, and so merrily executed all those suspected of being boxer sympathizers.

译文:帝国殖民列强镇压了义和团起义 但凡同情义和团的人 都被毫不留情地斩首刀下。

8. Between Japan and China, the Powers can only choose to support one.


9. This document... how can you explain to the Western Powers?

译文:这个文本 你们准备怎么向英美列强解释。

10. The West, all the superpowers, everything you believe in, Paul,

译文:西方 西方列强 你信仰的一切 保罗。

11. Vietnam managed to achieve its independence.'

译文:在与世界列强进行了漫长的战争后 取得了自主独立。

12. They are Western Powers' accomplices, running dogs of the Japanese pirates!

译文:他们就是列强的帮凶 是倭寇的走狗。

13. The Western Powers betrayed us in Paris.


14. The strength of the Western Powers lies in their ability to tolerate opposition.

译文:西方列强之强大 正在于诸子百家之争鸣。

15. Sir Arthur, we Spaniards fulfill our obligations.

译文:中国将受不了其他列强攻击 而面临崩溃。

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