磨叽用英语怎么说 磨叽的英语翻译

磨叽用英语怎么说 磨叽的英语翻译

磨叽用英语翻译为"slow",在日常中也可以翻译为"drag one's feet",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到61个与磨叽相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. slow


You’re at the bar, you’re talking to him, it’s been hours, and still nothing has happened.


2. drag one's feet

磨叽翻译为drag one's feet。

Nagging never works. You are never persuasive when you're abrasive.



1. phylloscopus collybita tristis(叽咋柳莺)

2. grrr(n. 叽阿(专辑))

3. preliminary grinding(初磨,粗磨,预磨)

4. prepartory grinding(初磨,粗磨,预磨)

5. raw grinding(初磨,粗磨,预磨)


don't look back on yesterday ( 磨叽吃货不蛋定 )

The course of true love ( 磨叽的蜗牛 )

oh sweet life ( 磨叽磨叽 )

moji-he-weimi ( 磨叽和萎靡 )


1. No time for anything but the direct approach, Finch.

译文:没时间磨叽 只能单刀直入 芬奇。

2. Cootchie, cootchie, cootchie coo

译文:咕叽 咕叽 咕叽 咕。

3. Kitty-kitty-kitty-kitty-kitty-kitty-kitty.


4. Yes go ahead and open it. Why are you wasting your time here?

译文:开 开 你还磨叽什么呀。

5. Oh, i'm a-sharpenin'. i'm a-sharpenin'.

译文:我磨 我磨。

6. Can you drive any faster, dumb ass?


7. Carson: Adam's not shy. Adam will tell us.

译文:Adam才不磨叽呢 来说说。

8. "So, get on with it. What do you want already?"

译文:别磨叽了 你到底想干什么。

9. Have you ever heard a man wonder if he could have it all?


10. -Eh, we'll come in any case.

译文:- 真磨叽! 我们肯定来。

11. But you must care about something, captain.


12. Hit him! What are you wasting your time?

译文:打他啊 还磨叽什么。

13. Hey, Lyle, i've had a really, really bad day today, so i'm not in the mood to dillydally.

译文:Lyle 我今天过得很糟糕 没心情跟你磨叽。

14. Stop stalling and take off your clothes

译文:别磨叽,脱衣服 快点。

15. Get behind us, jackass. it's Ned.

译文:- 都怪你太磨叽 你在干嘛。

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