觑觑眼用英语怎么说 觑觑眼的英语翻译

觑觑眼用英语怎么说 觑觑眼的英语翻译



1. ophthalmu

2. steving

3. eye ointemnt

觑觑眼翻译为eye ointemnt。

示例:Right Eye and Left Eye govern the power of creation.
975.681818)}Right Eye


4. eye injury

觑觑眼翻译为eye injury。

示例:Application of diprivan in operation of 20 children with eye injury



1. steving( 觑照)

2. eyeball to eyeball(面对面,面面相觑)

3. ophthalmu(眼)

4. eye injury(眼损伤;眼外伤)

5. eye ointemnt(眼用眼膏)


1. And then always the same thing happens: people are watching each other and think, "Oh, my God.

译文:接着总是会发生同样的事—— 人们面面相觑,心里暗想:“哦,天哪。

2. And as soon as Jordan and i saw it, we looked at each other and we didn't have to say anything to each other.

译文:并尽快为约旦 我看到它, 我们面面相觑 我们没有说 什么彼此。

3. But it's not just the hippo's dung the fish are interested in.


4. And then always the same thing happens: people are watching each other and think, "Oh, my God.

译文:接着总是会发生同样的事—— 人们面面相觑,心里暗想:“哦,天哪。

5. Look into my eyes, look into my eyes, not around the eyes, look into my eyes.

译文:看我眼 看我眼 不偏不斜看我眼。

6. The Eye of-- Eye of Horus.

译文:之眼 - 眼荷鲁斯。

7. Close your eyes, close your eyes.

译文:闭眼 闭眼。

8. HC: So, after about a day of Chris and i staring at each other, we came up with something that was pretty close to the hamburger patty, and as you can see it basically forms like hamburger meat.

译文:我和克里斯 面面相觑了一整天之后 我们找到了 一种非常接近汉堡肉饼的东西 你看它看起来跟汉堡肉差不多。

9. My translator and i looked at each other and stammered an apology, unable to help.


10. The male must stay alert. There are hunters here who would snatch his young.


11. She looked at me and i looked at her.


12. But they won't have the tree to themselves for long. Others will want a share.


13. She's an up-and-coming model, actually, so it would be problematic if people found out about us.

译文:她是小有名气的模特儿 有男觑筒惶昧。

14. Although his face was so black that distinguished even discorded him from the students, she couldn't help to peek at him.


15. And i remember we all looked at each other and i said, "Did you feel that?"

译文:我记得 大家都面面相觑 和我说, "你有没有觉得"。

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