远侧扎法用英语怎么说 远侧扎法英语翻译

远侧扎法用英语怎么说 远侧扎法英语翻译

远侧扎法的英语是"distal ligation",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到59个与远侧扎法相关的翻译和例句。


1. distal ligation

远侧扎法翻译为distal ligation。

示例:- The vessel's tolerating ligation.



1. distal ligation([医] 远侧扎法(动脉瘤))

2. distalis(远侧)

3. far side(远侧)

4. lateral ligature([医] 侧扎法)

5. distal chiasma(远侧交叉)


1. Either side for side chest.


2. Zarafa the Giraffe coming soon to Paris

译文:扎拉法长颈鹿 很快到达巴黎。

3. Thacker. His name was Thacker.


4. No way. i have to go back and get Zarafa.

译文:我要回去找扎拉法 Je dois retourner chercher Zarafa.。

5. Farzad told me that his father was a member of the Shah's secret service.


6. We were planning a sensational interview, we were just a week away from seeing Jaffad Ben Zaidi himself.

译文:一周后我应该和 贾法特. 本. 扎因吉见面。

7. "Buried here is the body of God's servant Afanasy Ustyuzhanin"


8. Muzafar is the son our dad had with his cousin.


9. (Faiza) Sweetie,areyoueven watchingthenews?

译文:(法伊扎) 亲爱的,你甚至 看新闻。

10. Faiza, you have to do something,

译文:法伊扎,你必须 做一些事情。

11. There's a tunnel at the far side of the complex leading into the valley.

译文:这里的远侧有个通往山谷 的隧道。

12. My name is Zarnoff. this is Zabu, Zellner, Zilbor, Zelmina...

译文:我叫扎诺夫,他是扎布、扎尔纳、扎尔波、扎米纳... ...。

13. You can't leave until you get it right!

译文:扎不好别走! 扎马。

14. Gizabi's in the administrative wing adjacent to the church.

译文:监视表明 吉扎比在行政侧楼 和教堂毗连着。

15. That's in there, that's in there.


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