棍儿茶用英语怎么说 棍儿茶的英语翻译

棍儿茶用英语怎么说 棍儿茶的英语翻译

棍儿茶在英语中的翻译是"unmarried man",还可以翻译为catechu,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到33个与棍儿茶相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. unmarried man

棍儿茶翻译为unmarried man。

示例:Married or unmarried? - Unmarried.
已婚还是未婚 未婚


2. catechu

3. cutch

4. flavenpentol


1. catechu(儿茶 )

2. cutch(儿茶 )

3. unmarried man(光棍儿)

4. flavenpentol(儿茶酸)

5. Nauclea gambir([医] 儿茶)


1. Come on, let's have some tea.


2. Well, i can't see how a tiny splash of tea is going to help.

译文:我不觉得浇一丁点儿茶汁 会有多大帮助。

3. Could i borrow your room just to warm up?

译文:有火没处泻 憋死你们这些光棍儿。

4. When soldiers came across roadside bombs in iraq and Afghanistan, instead of putting on a bomb suit and going out and poking with a stick, as they used to do up until about 2002, they now send the robot out.

译文:以前,当士兵们在伊拉克和阿富汗遇到路边炸弹时, 他们会穿上防爆衣并后退,然后用小棍儿去捅炸弹, 在xx年以前他们就是这么干的, 现在,他们会让机器人去搞定。

5. - Sit down. i'll make tea.

译文:- 坐吧,我沏点儿茶。

6. i've got a lab full of alcoholic monkeys, and tomorrow we switch them to O'Doul's.

译文:我有一实验室的酒鬼猴 明天该给他们换啤儿茶爽了。

7. You had a catecholamine-induced, super-ventricular tachyarrhythmia.

译文:你得了 儿茶酚胺过多 心室膨胀造成的局部生长过速症。

8. How about some tea, butter milk?


9. i'd like some Sen Cha or Genmaicha. Green tea.


10. He always liked fires and poking at them with a stick.


11. At least get some sticks to drive them in, morons.


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