碱度用英语怎么说 碱度的英语翻译

碱度用英语怎么说 碱度的英语翻译

碱度用英语说"  saltiness",还经常被译作basicity,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到57个与碱度相关的释义和例句。


1.   saltiness

碱度翻译为   saltiness。

Dead cells and carbon dioxide causes the PH level of your skin tissue to rise.


2. basicity


At sufficiently high temperatures and alkalinity, fatty esters may be hydrolyzed to produce soaps.


3.   [化学] basicity

碱度翻译为   [化学] basicity。

Application of optical basicity to metallurgical slags was discussed.


4. alkalinity -

碱度翻译为 alkalinity -。

示例:now,when that alkalinity breaks down, as it will in time, then the steel will start to corrode.
但随着时间的推移 碱性下降 钢筋便开始锈蚀



1. methyl orange alkalinity(基橙碱度,全碱度)

2. palkalinity(酚酞碱度,p-碱度)

3. alkalimeter(碱度计 )

4. alkalimetry(碱度测定 )

5. equivalent basicity(量碱度)


PH potential of hydrogen Acidity or Alkalinity ( 酸碱度 )

total alkalinity Alkalinity Ackalintty total base mumber ( 总碱度 化学 )

PH SG U-PH ( 尿酸碱度 )

alkalinity of seawater ( 海水碱度 )

FAL free alkalinity ( 游离碱度 )

alkalimeter alkaline meter ( 碱度计 )

pH blood pH ( 血液酸碱度 )

Alkalinity and acidity ( 碱度和酸度 )

soil alkalinity ( 土壤碱度 土壤 )


1. i'm increasing the pH level.


2. The second stage was completed at the Penn State University main campus lab, which is where i extracted the chemicals, changed the PH so i could run it through the equipment and separated the compounds i needed from the rest of the chicken.

译文:第二步的完成 是在宾州大的主校园实验室, 也就是我提取化学物质的地方, 改变酸碱度,这样我就可以通过设备 从其余的鸡肉中 分离我所需的成分。

3. So i combined these two ideas and i formulated a hypothesis, saying that, could possibly the carcinogens be decreased due to a marinade and could it be due to the differences in PH?

译文:所以,我将两种想法综合在一起,创造了一个假说, 那就是,很可能的 致癌物因为腌泡汁的浸泡而降低 是因为酸碱度的改变。

4. Chimera working seed stock pH at critical level.


5. Andromeda can only exist within a very narrow range of acidity and alkalinity.

译文:安朵美达能存活的 酸碱度范围非常狭小。

6. The incongruous pH balance of that reservoir.


7. So i combined these two ideas and i formulated a hypothesis, saying that, could possibly the carcinogens be decreased due to a marinade and could it be due to the differences in PH?

译文:所以,我将两种想法综合在一起,创造了一个假说, 那就是,很可能的 致癌物因为腌泡汁的浸泡而降低 是因为酸碱度的改变。

8. i had a yeast infection for weeks.

译文:破坏了酸碱度 患了数周的酵母菌感染。

9. And though many waste products are acidic, fatigued muscles still maintain pH within normal limits, indicating that the tissue is effectively clearing these wastes.

译文:即便产生的很多废物都是酸性的, 但疲劳的肌肉始终把酸碱度 保持在正常范围, 这说明组织正在高效地清理这些废物。

10. it pretty much falls within the parameters of human tolerance - 7.5-7.0.

译文:其酸碱度符合于人体能承受的界限 7.5至7.0。

11. The second stage was completed at the Penn State University main campus lab, which is where i extracted the chemicals, changed the PH so i could run it through the equipment and separated the compounds i needed from the rest of the chicken.

译文:第二步的完成 是在宾州大的主校园实验室, 也就是我提取化学物质的地方, 改变酸碱度,这样我就可以通过设备 从其余的鸡肉中 分离我所需的成分。

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