城市地下空间用英语怎么说 城市地下空间英语翻译

城市地下空间用英语怎么说 城市地下空间英语翻译

城市地下空间的英语为"  Urban Underground Space",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到41个与城市地下空间相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   Urban Underground Space

城市地下空间翻译为   Urban Underground Space。

Modern urban business district is the key area of underground space development and utilization.



1. duses( 数字城市地下空间与工程)

2. underground space(地下空间)

3. nonmetropolitan( 非城市地区)

4. AMOUT(城市地区高级军事行动)

5. live house( 音乐展演空间;音乐表演空间;展演空间地下社会)


City Underground Space Engineering ( 城市地下空间工程 )

Geo-Space Urban Design ( 城市地下空间设计 )

urban space structure ( 城市地下空间结构 )

city underground space environment ( 城市地下空间环境 )

urban underground spatial information system ( 城市地下空间信息系统 )

urban underground public space ( 城市地下公共空间 )


1. These tunnels exist under the entire city.

译文:这些隧道布满整个城市地下 These tunnels exist under the entire city.。

2. The Zhujiang New Town underground space project is the largest and most prominent underground space project in Guangzhou city.


3. The Hive itself is located underground... deep beneath the streets of Raccoon City.

译文:蜂房位于地下 在浣熊市地底的深处.。

4. CA: So you've got this vision of future cities with these rich, 3D networks of tunnels underneath.

译文:CA:所以你对未来的构想 就是城市地下布满这样的 立体交通隧道。

5. Groundwater resources and sustaining development in Taonan city


6. Beneath the streets of Raccoon City, in the Hive.

译文:在浣熊市地下 蜂巢里 Beneath the streets of Raccoon City, in the Hive.。

7. Whatever is going on, it's coming from underneath this city.

译文:不管是什么东西 它一定来自这城市地下。

8. The underground pipeline colligate alure in city is also say "Utility tunnel".


9. Excuse me, can i get one of those city maps, please?

译文:请问 能给我一张城市地图吗。

10. This is the city map and this is the hotel where we will meet.


11. Lions normally do not hunt on farmland, but the loss of their habitat force them occasionally to raid villages for domestic animals.

译文:收缩 天然狩猎场 - - 强制狮子 在城市地区攻击家畜。

12. Analysis on Exploitation and Utilization of the Groundwater Resource in Delingha City


13. There must be 20 miles of tunnels beneath the city.


14. "High Threat Urban Areas."


15. Sometimes Ted and his friends go off into the old tunnels underneath the city for days.

译文:有时泰迪和他的朋友们 去城市地下老隧道里过几天。

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