亚生物群落用英语怎么说 亚生物群落英语翻译

亚生物群落用英语怎么说 亚生物群落英语翻译

亚生物群落的英语可以这样说:  [生态] biociation,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到55个与亚生物群落相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   [生态] biociation

亚生物群落翻译为   [生态] biociation。

示例:We're determining the social ecology.



1. biociation(亚生物群落)

2. biocoen(生物群落)

3. biocoene(生物群落)

4. fouling community(污损生物群落, 污损生物群落)

5. coenosis(生态 生物群落 群落)


1. Given that microbes travel around with people, you might expect to see rooms that are close together have really similar biomes.

译文:考虑微生物随着人们四处传播 你或许预期相距不远的房间 存在十分相似的生物群落。

2. And we can now start to compare the community of microbes and their genes and see if there are differences.

译文:我们现在可以开始比较他们的微生物群落 和它们的基因来看是否存在差异。

3. The planet's largest living structure.


4. And don't get me wrong, that was really fascinating, you know, the biotic community unplugged, kind of thing.

译文:请不要误解我,那样的谈话真的是引人入胜, 关于生物群落一类的事情。

5. Premature infants have real problems with their microbial community.


6. All along the Rift Valley, soaring above the hot, dusty plains, isolated mountain peaks harbour unique wildlife communities.

译文:大裂谷一路飙升至最热点,草原上弥漫着飞尘 海港隔离的高地形成了独特的野生生物群落。

7. So what can we do to restore our microbial community when we have thousands and thousands of species on us?

译文:所以我们怎样才能重建我们的微生物群落 在我们身上有数千种微生物的情况下。

8. They say, you can't eat bits, and industrial agriculture has already given us massive soil erosion, huge coastal dead zones and ruined soil microbiomes.

译文:你不可能以吃比特为生吧, 而且工业化农业生产已经给我们 造成了严重的水土流失, 造成海洋水体富营养化, 微生物群落被摧毁。

9. it was like a fingerprint for the species.

译文:微生物群 就像物种的指纹一样。

10. And it's destroying that precious benthic community on the bottom, things like sponges and corals, that critical habitat for other animals.

译文:而这会破坏海底珍贵的底栖生物群落, 如海绵和珊瑚, 而这是其他动物的重要栖息地。

11. The rooms in this building are like islands in an archipelago, and what that means is that mechanical engineers are like eco-engineers, and they have the ability to structure biomes in this building the way that they want to.

译文:这建筑中的房间就像孤立群岛中的岛屿 这意味着机械工程师 如同生态工程师,有能力 以他们想要的方式 建构这栋建筑中的生物群落。

12. And somehow maybe the microbial community that's in and on me got off, and then this triggered some sort of immune response and led to me killing the cells that make insulin in my body.

译文:然后这些在我身体内外的微生物群落不知怎么地消失了 这触发了某种免疫反应 让我的身体消灭了自身的 制造胰岛素的细胞。

13. Given that microbes travel around with people, you might expect to see rooms that are close together have really similar biomes.

译文:考虑微生物随着人们四处传播 你或许预期相距不远的房间 存在十分相似的生物群落。

14. And what we need now is to start thinking about this microbial community in the context of everything in human medicine.

译文:我们现在需要做的是 开始思考在人类医学每个方面 微生物群落的作用。

15. Probiotics are one thing that you can try and do to restore the microbial community that is in and on you.

译文:人们可以尝试用益生菌来重建 体内和体表的微生物群落。

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