杨文静用英语怎么说 杨文静的英语翻译

杨文静用英语怎么说 杨文静的英语翻译

杨文静用英语说"  Wen-Jing Yang",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到37个与杨文静相关的译文和例句。


1.   Wen-Jing Yang

杨文静翻译为   Wen-Jing Yang。

示例:The "dao de jing" recognizes the yin and the yang.
"道德经"里说 世间有"阴"和"阳"



1. gentle and quiet(文气;文静;文静的;温静)

2. kameny( 顾文静)

3. yoshiko(n. 【女名】女子名\n 文静的;尤瑟蔻;良子)

4. yoshikoes(n. 【女名】女子名\n 文静的;尤瑟蔻;良子\n(yoshiko 的复数))


YEUNG Ching Man ( 杨静文 )


1. Yang Wenguang and She Saihua, take the edict!

译文:杨文广 佘赛花接旨。

2. Whoever dares to hurt Yang Wenguang, taste my dragon-headed crutch first!

译文:谁敢伤害杨文广 先问问我手上这支龙头拐杖。

3. Yang Wenguang is attacking our left flank... with a large number of soldiers!

译文:禀报元帅杨文广带领大批人马 攻击我军左翼。

4. Looks like the nice quiet type...


5. You've really done it. Never would i have imagined.


6. At the quiet girl you share notes with, the cute guy you have a crush on, the gunner who talks too much in class, and ask yourselves, do you know who anyone really is?

译文:向你借笔记的文静姑娘 你暗恋许久的帅小伙 课上总爱接下茬的话唠。

7. Hereby i shall appoint Yang Wenguang as Marshal, and She Saihua as Supervisor.

译文:特拜杨文广为兵马大元帅 佘赛花为监军。

8. She's very, uh... quiet, isn't she?


9. Yang Wenguang! if you ignore the law and refuse to execute Mu Guiying,

译文:杨文广 如果你徇私不处斩穆桂英。

10. i shall entitle Yang Wenguang as Assistant Marshal of Westward March.


11. "Marka Filekova is quiet and modest.


12. i don't remember, she's quiet.


13. Quiet, rich blondes. No snoring. That is a deal-breaker.

译文:文静 富有 金发 不打呼噜 最后一项很重要。

14. My daughter's very quiet and introverted.

译文:- 我们比赛赢了 我女儿很文静,含蓄。

15. "i like the quiet one immensely.


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