同条共贯用英语怎么说 同条共贯英语翻译

同条共贯用英语怎么说 同条共贯英语翻译

同条共贯的英语可以这样说:grow on the same branch and be tied on the same string of cash,还可以翻译为be interlinked logically,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到32个与同条共贯相关的释义和例句。


1. grow on the same branch and be tied on the same string of cash

同条共贯翻译为grow on the same branch and be tied on the same string of cash。

示例:-The same as on the stone.
-The same? -The same as on the stone.


2. be interlinked logically

同条共贯翻译为be interlinked logically。

示例:So then, logically speaking


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