苯酚类黏合剂用英语怎么说 苯酚类黏合剂英语翻译

苯酚类黏合剂用英语怎么说 苯酚类黏合剂英语翻译

苯酚类黏合剂用英语说"epobond epoxyn",在日常中也可以翻译为"emulsion glue",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到18个与苯酚类黏合剂相关的翻译和例句。


1. epobond epoxyn

2. emulsion glue

苯酚类黏合剂翻译为emulsion glue。

示例:it's the glue that holds a people together."
It's the glue that holds a people together."


3. pellet binder

苯酚类黏合剂翻译为pellet binder。

示例:Binder. his name is Eric Binder.
拜德 他的名字是埃里克 拜德


4. rubber binder

苯酚类黏合剂翻译为rubber binder。

示例:it's a rubber-chicken dinner.
It's a rubber -chicken dinner.



1. pellet binder(黏合剂)

2. emulsion glue(乳胶黏合剂)

3. flexible adhesives(柔性黏合剂)

4. rubber binder(橡胶黏合剂)

5. epobond epoxyn(环氧树脂黏合剂)


1. it's in the self-help section.


2. Now, sometimes, these ecstasy pills are laced with PCP.

译文:所以有时候 五氯苯酚会被假饰成狂欢药物。

3. They use very toxic adhesives right now.

译文:现在用的都是毒性 很强的黏合剂。

4. But they also have a chelating agent in them.


5. They're all held together with adhesives, and there's two main problems with the adhesives used in these materials.

译文:它们都用黏合剂粘在一起, 这些产品用的黏合剂有两个问题。

6. And there are a lot of other places, too, you can imagine we might be better off if we could get more adhesives in there.

译文:当然还有许多其他的领域, 你可以想象一下, 我们的生活将会更好, 如果我们可以获得更多黏合剂。甚至是化妆品。

7. Pyriform silk glands make the attachment cement -- that's the silk that's used to adhere silk lines to a substrate.

译文:梨状丝腺具有黏合作用 这种蛛丝用于将丝线 黏合在蛛网的基底上。

8. You mix the two. it forms an adhesive, lasting a couple of hours.


9. it is what that? ! They are enormous.


10. Aaron peels off the film marked A, exposing the adhesive coating.

译文:亚伦剥落电影标有A, 露出的粘合剂涂层。

11. it's a gas, and it's also a carcinogen, and so we're constructing a lot of structures from these adhesives, and we're also breathing a lot of this carcinogen.

译文:它是一种气体,也是 一种致癌物质。所以我们用这些黏合剂 来组建结构时, 我们也吸入了大量的致癌物质。

12. Dark matter is the glue holding together the whole superstructure of the universe.


13. in our process, we basically use it as a glue.

译文:在我们的流程中, 我们把它当作黏合剂来使用。

14. it's helpful in treating PCP.


15. So think about what you would need for adhesives in these cases.

译文:想想看在这些情况下 你需要有怎样特性的黏合剂。

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