惯常的英语是" usu",在日常中也可以翻译为"usualness",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到92个与惯常相关的短语翻译和用法。
1. usu
惯常翻译为 usu。
He delivered the speech with his usual aplomb.
2. usualness
The letter was written in her usual acerbic style.
3. Usual
惯常翻译为 Usual。
He settled himself comfortably in his usual chair.
4. soler
惯常翻译为 soler。
示例:["Children have to sit by and watch. What's your excuse?"] Esta Soler: As we were in the process of releasing this campaign, O.J. Simpson was arrested for the murder of his wife and her friend.
【孩子就坐在一边看着,你的借口是什么?】 E.S. :当我们推进这项运动时 推动这一运动, 辛普森由于谋害他的妻子和妻子的朋友 而被逮捕了
1. persistent offender([法] 惯常犯)
2. usualness(经常性, 惯常)
3. noninstitutionalized( 个人生活中非惯常)
4. usualnesses(经常性,惯常(usual的变形))
5. ordinaire(a. 平常的,普通的,通常的,惯常的)
accustomed habitual inevitable frequent ( 惯常的 )
Customary assistance Customary other opinions Customary guidelines Customary counselling ( 惯常协助 )
be the rule ( 惯常的事 )
customary risk ( 惯常险 计划 )
habitual residence ( 惯常居所 )
habitual residence ( 惯常住所 )
usually habitually ( 惯常地 )
conventional ( 惯常婚姻 )
1. We have codes and standards that tell us that the lights should be so much lux and of great uniformity.
译文:按照惯常的标准大家会认为 照明就应该是这样奢侈、 整齐划一的。
2. That isn't what we usually try to teach six-year-olds.
3. There you go with your usual thanks.
4. i suppose it's customary to have people tailing you in these parts.
译文:我猜在这地方 惯常被人跟踪吧。
5. And the red line is the treatment as usual -- medication with a medical doctor.
译文:红线表示采用惯常的治疗手段—— 也就是药剂师开药。
6. Yeah, you can't have a regular good time in the city no more.
译文:是的 在这个城市里你再也不能拥一段惯常的好日子了。
7. Together... this couple represents what is best in the English public life... and is a noble contrast to the lax morality...
译文:他们伉俪 是英国政坛的最佳典范 跟外国政客惯常的放荡不羁相比。
8. That isn't what we usually try to teach six-year-olds.
9. On January 4, a routine request... one of approximately 26,000 received daily by the F.B.i.... came into the identification division from the police department of Center City.
译文:一个惯常的请求xx月xx日 每天大约有26000人被FBl接受 从市中心警署部门。
10. it is usually done on the wedding night.
11. /n a routine security operation, soldierslookingforan/ ra gunman found themse/vrs in an unexpected firefight.
译文:昨天,军方宣称是惯常行动 士兵逐屋追搜共和军枪手 发生交火,引致意外伤亡。
12. And i sent telegrams to all the sites that he usually uses in his depraved life.
译文:我遍发电报去他惯常光顾的地方 他的堕落生活惯常光顾的地方。
13. it's a common practice, to raise funds.
译文:并允许我们做永久性展览 这是筹集经费的惯常做法。
14. And everyone here is unfortunately carrying that habitual perception, a little bit, right?
译文:很不幸,在场的每个人都有这种惯常的观念, 有一点,对吧。
15. Well, the tools that Delcampo used to dispose of bodies were in his car.