生力用英语怎么说 生力的英语翻译

生力用英语怎么说 生力的英语翻译

生力通常被翻译为"  Miguel"的意思,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到34个与生力相关的翻译和例句。


1.   Miguel

生力翻译为   Miguel。

There's been a major reshuffle of the cabinet to bring in new blood.



1. idiosthenia(自生力)

2. regeneratine capacity(再生力)

3. fresh troops(生力军)

4. induced moment(感生力矩)

5. morphogenetic force(地貌发生力)


play a key role fresh force ( 生力军 )

San Miguel Corporation ( 生力集团 )

New force The Invid Invasion png ( 新生力量 )

San Miguel And San Miguel Beer San Miguel Beermen Monchshof ( 生力啤酒 )

Effectives effective strength livingforces ( 有生力量 )

productivity ( 生生力 )

productive forces productive powers forces of production productive forces productive powers forces( 生产力 )



1. Now that you have joined...


2. We need a Hail Mary pass. We need raw power!

译文:我们需要生力军 我们需要..。

3. i will supply the necessary fresh, powerful forces.


4. in China, Lau Security investments stands for dynamic new growth.

译文:在中国,刘氏证券投资 是新生力量的代表。

5. The compassionate heart that finds joy and meaning in connecting with others, and yes, your pounding physical heart, working so hard to give you strength and energy.

译文:同情心在人际交流中 得到快乐和意义 是的,加速的心跳 为的是努力产生力量和能量。

6. He shall make a keen ally in the battle against Ronan.

译文:他会是我们对抗罗南战争中的生力军 He shall make a keen ally in the battle against Ronan.。

7. The prize is near, Father. Soon you will have not only the mask, but the blood to fill it.

译文:父亲迟早都会获得永生力量 这只是时间问题。

8. Meanwhile, Stalin grimly positions a million and a half fresh troops with masses of tanks and artillery north and south of the embattled city.

译文:此时,斯大林却聚集起了 一百五十万之众的生力军 和大量的坦克重炮 从南北两面逼近了这被包围的城市。

9. i'd like you to join me in welcoming the new addition to the teaching staff, Sister Mary...

译文:我要大家欢迎新来的 圣芳济学校的生力军 修女玛莉。

10. This time, a force of heavily escorted Japanese transports to reinforce with fresh troops, their starved, sick, doomed garrison ashore off Tassafaronga Point.

译文:一只强大的护航队 满载生力军,准备增援此刻 正在塔萨法隆加滩头垂死挣扎的日军。

11. We ask you, dear Lord, to operate through these doctors.


12. This time, i'll use rat's movement to release power


13. i just knew i had 14 guys on the deck down there, and they were receiving fire.

译文:增强我们的战斗力 消灭敌人有生力量。

14. The Eight honors the essential forces of the Earth.


15. The continuous struggle of the small group of men that were left from that exp...


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