基准点用英语怎么说 基准点的英语翻译

基准点用英语怎么说 基准点的英语翻译

基准点用英语翻译为"datum point -",还经常被译作datum mark,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到96个与基准点相关的翻译和例句。


1. datum point -

基准点翻译为 datum point -。

Canada's central bank raised interest rates by 25 basis points to 1%, despite slowing growth in the country.


2. datum mark

基准点翻译为datum mark。

示例:目前由 WPT 生成的事务速率将被用作比较的基准点。
Transaction rates currently being generated by WPT will be used as the benchmark for comparison.


3. control point

基准点翻译为control point。

In September 2008 it was more than 450 basis points; now, it's less than 20 basis points.


4.   [测] datum point

基准点翻译为   [测] datum point。

示例:Actually, Crowley, that is the point.
That's not really the point. that is the point.



1. directing point(基准点)

2. fiducial point(基准点)

3. referring point(基准点)

4. gravity base station(重力基准点)

5. local datum(地方基准点)


earthing reference points Farthing reference point ERP earthing reference point ( 接地基准点 )

seating reference point ( 乘坐基准点 )

datum mark ( 测量基准点 )

geodetic datum ( 大地基准点 )

gauging reference point dipping reference point ( 检尺基准点 )

benchmarking program program benchmarking ( 基准点测试程序 )

geodetic datum ( 天地基准点 )

high reference point ( 高基准点 )

ordnance datum OD ( 国家基准点 )


1. Every Wednesday, just like clockwork.

译文:每周三 准点准时。

2. And if you're gonna shoot me, better aim good.

译文:如果你要开枪打我 最好瞄准点。

3. Throw it like you mean it, McLaren.

译文:投准点 麦拉伦。

4. This building will be the aiming point.


5. Obstacle-free sector is a sector formed by an arc originating at the reference point of the edge of a helideck and extending outward in the horizontal plane level with the elevation of the helideck.


6. For this purpose, the effectiveness of agricultural resources utilization should be regarded as the basic point of rational use of agr.


7. Aim at the grand prize, come on.


8. Will the train be departing on time?


9. Hope these F-16s got good aim.


10. Pakuwon Jati also sets a benchmark. it is a small company in a difficult place selling bonds that have no more protection than a share.

译文:Pakuwon Jati也设定了自己的基准点:自己是一个在艰难的境地下以出售债券谋生的小公司,与大公司相比,不能得到更多的保护。

11. You need to work on your accuracy.


12. Throw it in here, nice and low.


13. Now, most airplanes take off and land as per schedule.


14. The lesson from that was that it was Africa -- an African story -- that was used to share news with the rest of the world of what the benchmark can be for corporate turnarounds.

译文:我学到的东西自于非洲,一个非洲的故事。然后用它与世界各国分享 分享公司转型中的基准点是什么。

15. Traditionally, fiducials have been placed either intraoperatively or percutaneously.


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