丝孢菌类用英语怎么说 丝孢菌类英语翻译

丝孢菌类用英语怎么说 丝孢菌类英语翻译

丝孢菌类用英语说"hyphomycetes",还可以翻译为  hyphomycetes,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到75个与丝孢菌类相关的释义和例句。


1. hyphomycetes

2.   hyphomycetes


1. hyphomycetous(adj. 丝孢菌类的)

2. Xerosporae(干孢菌类)

3. spore formers(产(芽)孢菌类)

4. gonimoblast filament(产孢丝)

5. mazedium(孢丝粉)


1. Laces, silk, embroidery, silk again.

译文:蕾丝 丝 刺绣 又是丝。

2. The black rectangle is the plot from which the mycorrhiza was added.

译文:黑色的长方形里是 添加了菌类的地方。

3. The feet of the statue outside are dusted with ergot.


4. it's time for 18's dose of ceftriaxone. 34 needs his mommy.


5. i got nothing against you, kid.

译文:谙孢 砬 菔ì。

6. Lichens arose as a co-op. Fungi married algae ...


7. Just goes to show, we don't know shit about fungi.

译文:告诉我们 自己对菌类的无知。

8. And then i had to spend $14 on neosporin.


9. There are thought to be nearly a million different types of fungi in the tropics.


10. Fungi also flourish on decay.


11. Yes, i was looking to see if there were any interesting mushrooms.

译文:很好 很好 刚刚只是在看有没有好玩的菌类。

12. The fungi become food for others like these beetle larvae.


13. Can anyone tell me the proper dosage of ceftriaxone for a pediatric patient?

译文:谁知道儿科患者的 头孢曲松用量应该是多少。

14. - But the toxo drugs are gonna piss off your fungi.

译文:- 不过对付弓浆虫的药物会激发菌类的活性。

15. But the tree had a fungus and his dad was too cheap to hire an arborist.

译文:可树上有菌类 他父亲又请了位 廉价的园艺师。

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