教育体系用英语怎么说 教育体系英语翻译

教育体系用英语怎么说 教育体系英语翻译

教育体系用英语翻译为"educatioanl system -",还经常被译作education system,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到98个与教育体系相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. educatioanl system -

教育体系翻译为 educatioanl system -。

Successful countries like South Korea and Singapore have excellent education systems.


2. education system

教育体系翻译为education system。

The second is that our higher education system is not designed to focus on the economic consequences of our students' years on campus.


3. education system -

教育体系翻译为 education system -。

In fact, none of the education systems in the world are perfect.


4.   system of education

教育体系翻译为   system of education。

示例:- Yes, the ileenium System.
- Yes, the Ileenium System.



1. pects( 教育体系)

2. ghes( 干冰;涓嬭叞;教育体系)

3. insititutions(体系)

4. universites( 综合大学;公立大学;大学教育体系)

5. experimental scheme(实验体系)


the system of lifelong education system for lifelong education Lifelong education system life educa( 终身教育体系 )

the modern system of national education modern national educational system ( 现代国民教育体系 )

vocational education system ( 职业教育体系 )

modern vocational education system ( 现代职业教育体系 )

regional education system ( 区域教育体系 )

Global Network University ( 全球教育体系 )

Stratification in Educational Systems ( 教育体系中的分层 )

Connected Education System ( 互联教育体系 )


1. The government is divided into three trees.


2. How will the emperor maintain control without the bureaucracy?


3. nurture him a little bit today.


4. A new liberal arts that can support this action-oriented curriculum has begun to emerge.

译文:一个能够支持服务学习为主导的 新型的博雅教育体系 已经在形成。

5. Everything worked. Great education.


6. Let's make a change to all our institutions, and not just in the West.

译文:改变我们所有的教育体系, 而且不仅仅是在西方。

7. in education, the one thing we know how to measure best is iQ.

译文:在教育体系中, 我们都知道评价优秀学生的标准。

8. Separate but equal was OK.


9. (Applause) One of the real challenges is to innovate fundamentally in education.

译文:(掌声) 其中最艰巨的挑战 是对教育体系。

10. So, here is the implication of the relationship between the worlds of crime, terror, and illegal economy, and our economy.

译文:这就是世界经济体系和 黑色经济体系的关系。

11. So, here is the implication of the relationship between the worlds of crime, terror, and illegal economy, and our economy.

译文:这就是世界经济体系和 黑色经济体系的关系。

12. One of the real challenges is to innovate fundamentally in education.

译文:(掌声) 其中最艰巨的挑战 是对教育体系 的彻底改革。

13. There is the Orange System.


14. if you were to visit education, as an alien, and say "What's it for, public education?"

译文:如果你以一个外国人的身份来参观我们的教育体系, 带着这样的问题:“公办教育的目的是什么?”。

15. They were trying to figure out how to rebuild their universities.


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