车辆行驶用英语怎么说 车辆行驶英语翻译

车辆行驶用英语怎么说 车辆行驶英语翻译

车辆行驶通常被翻译为"vehicle driving"的意思,还经常被译作  Vehicles travel,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到52个与车辆行驶相关的翻译和例句。


1. vehicle driving

车辆行驶翻译为vehicle driving。

Ford is also taking the proactive step to 'lock-out' capabilities that are not relevant to the task of driving while the vehicle is in motion.


2.   Vehicles travel

车辆行驶翻译为   Vehicles travel。

Who is liable if an autonomous system, such as an autopilot that governs the movement of cars on a motorway, causes an accident?


3.   Traffic

车辆行驶翻译为   Traffic。

The versatile cloth top can be opened partially to act as a sunroof while the car is moving without risk of it blowing off.


4. vehicle travelling

车辆行驶翻译为vehicle travelling。

示例:All right, and are they attempting to steal the vehicle? What?
and are they attempting to steal the vehicle?



1. running vehicle(行驶车辆)

2. transport condition([车辆] 行驶状态)

3. total motion resistance((车辆)总行驶阻力)

4. maximum travel speed([车辆] 最高行驶速度)

5. maximum travelling speed([车辆] 最大行驶速度)


VMT vehicle-miles of travel ( 车辆行驶里程 )

roadability ( 车辆行驶安定性能 )

Vehicle speed ( 车辆行驶速度 )

movement permit ( 车辆行驶许可证 )

Vehicle stability ( 车辆行驶稳定性 )

Driving Dynamics Vehicle ride dynamics ( 车辆行驶动力学 )

NO CYCLING ( 禁止非机动车辆行驶 )

adjustmet coefficient of road condition ( 车辆行驶路况调整系数 )


1. All southbound locals just north of the 51st Street station.


2. if they don't share them, you can end up with a 90 percent increase in vehicle miles traveled.

译文:如果不拼车, 可能会增加90%的车辆行驶里程。

3. Target vehicle traveling south.


4. And then the traffic in those roads would be the hiring policies and the other practices that ran through those roads.

译文:在路上行驶的车辆就会是 现行的招聘政策和各种条例。

5. Order all trains on the Loop to travel above 60, no, 70 kph!

译文:立刻让环状线上所有车辆行驶时速保持在六十 不,让所有车辆以时速七十公里前进 立刻把命令传下去。

6. Keep the ship in orbit. - Yes, sir.

译文:- 保持行驶轨道。

7. We'll work our way up one bend at a time.


8. An RlU vehicle has exploded. Rear group, return to the station.

译文:广域搜查队车辆爆炸 出动车辆请归队。

9. Let's have our cars go at 60 miles per hour.


10. But tailgating is one thing i cannot tolerate.

译文:但 tailgating(紧跟前面的车辆之后行驶) 是我最不能容忍的事.。

11. At night, the city swarms with mutant vehicles, the only cars allowed to roam the playa.

译文:夜晚时分,黑石市到处都 穿梭着改装过的车辆, 盐湖里唯一允许行驶的车辆。

12. As a matter of fact, they're going to generate more traffic, more VMT, than the alternative.

译文:实际上,跟传统车相比, 无人车会产生更多交通流量, 更多车辆行驶里程。

13. One is, if they're privately owned, people will travel greater distances.

译文:其中一点是,如果车辆是私人的, 大家会行驶更远的距离。

14. When the visibility dropped to [less] than a few meters, they stopped the buses and i had to walk.

译文:当能见度降到几米以内, 公交车辆无法行驶,我不得不下车行走。

15. This train is about to depart.


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