达到成功用英语怎么说 达到成功英语翻译

达到成功用英语怎么说 达到成功英语翻译

达到成功的英语可以这样说:achieve success,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到26个与达到成功相关的翻译和例句。


1. achieve success

达到成功翻译为achieve success。

How can we stop letting obscurity keep us from becoming successful?



1. gain one's end(达到目的,成功)

2. made the grade(成功;达到标准)

3. win one's end(达到目的,成功)

4. made her mark(v. 出名(成功;达到目的))

5. made my mark(v. 出名(成功;达到目的))


1. Most middle borns don't get quite as sweet a deal.

译文:很多排名在中间的孩子 并不能达到那样的成功。

2. "Nothing succeeds like success." Say it.

译文:成功了才是成功讲给我 成功了才是成功。

3. She said it! We made our point! We made our point!

译文:她都说了 我们达到目的了 我们达到目的了。

4. (Laughter) We've had a lot of accomplishments and it's been a tremendous success.

译文:(笑声) 我们达到了许多目标, 这是一个巨大的成功。

5. We have detonation. Confirming detonation.


6. And using this kind of process for each of the different groups, we are now up to an 80 percent success rate in classifying the 1.5 million images.

译文:每个分组我们都这样做 现在这150万张图片已经达到80%的成功率。

7. -You made it, son! You made it. -Yes, you did.


8. The new better off is not an individual prospect at all.


9. We are programmed for something called procreative success.

译文:只是被预设为需要达到 繁衍的成功的状态。

10. They still are running at about 3.5 million.


11. All right! We did it! Hooray!

译文:成功了 成功了。

12. in their proper sphere... i shall attain the pinnacle of success!


13. in America, a man can lift himself up by his bootstraps.

译文:在美国, 一个人可以凭借自己的努力达到成功。

14. The objective isn't being met.


15. it worked. Oh, God, it worked.

译文:成功了 天啊 成功了。

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