未成熟粒细胞用英语怎么说 未成熟粒细胞英语翻译

未成熟粒细胞用英语怎么说 未成熟粒细胞英语翻译

未成熟粒细胞的英语是"  Immature Gran",在日常中也可以翻译为"immature granulocyte",在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到34个与未成熟粒细胞相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   Immature Gran

未成熟粒细胞翻译为   Immature Gran。

示例:Gran! Gran, this here is a natural remedy for blocked sinuses.
奶奶 这是治疗鼻子问题的传统疗法


2. immature granulocyte

未成熟粒细胞翻译为immature granulocyte。

示例:- i'm not immature. You're immature.
- 我很成熟,你不成熟


3.   Imm Gran

未成熟粒细胞翻译为   Imm Gran。

示例:Okay, but dont complain if imm late!



1. immature granulocyte([医] 未成熟粒细胞, 未成熟粒性白细胞)

2. immature cell(未成熟细胞)

3. neocyte(未成熟白细胞)

4. immaturate(未成熟)

5. immatureness(未成熟)


immature myeloid information ( 未成熟粒细胞信息 )

immature myeloid information ( 未成熟粒细胞信息 )


1. Japan is poor and backward.


2. Shouldn't we delay the shipment?


3. it's still early, but i think we've picked up on the scent of something we're following.

译文:尽管这项研究尚未成熟, 但是我相信我们嗅到了 一种寻觅已久的气味。

4. This kind of books are written to cheat immature guys, as well as those immature little girls.

译文:这种书 分明骗你这些心智未成熟的大叔 骗那些发育未健全的小妹妹。

5. We present to you today a little sonic adventure, a little piece of improvisational whimsy, if you like, a piece on which, of course, the ink is still wet, the clay is still wet.

译文:今天我们为你们带来 一次声音的小冒险, 换句话说,一曲奇思妙想的即兴演奏, 当然,这段旋律尚未成熟, 仍需润色。

6. The wedding is blessed. The virgin tree is not ripe yet... but the roots are strong.

译文:时机尚未成熟 但根已经扎下了。

7. You don't like unripe fruit, Doctor. Well, over-ripe pears don't do me any good!

译文:你不喜欢未成熟的水果 医生 我也不喜欢过熟的鸭梨。

8. You're just another immature little boy!


9. Our immature brain has not yet learned to interpret the data

译文:我们尚未成熟的大脑, 还没学会解释这些数据。

10. The triggering DE vice of his trap... is a primitive yet sophisticated mechanism.

译文:他的陷阱的触发DE副... 是一种原始的 尚未成熟的机制。

11. We've studied it extensively, and it turns out that it results from the fact that our cellular graphs are quite immature, and immature heart muscle cells all act like pacemakers.

译文:我们对这进行了广泛的研究, 结果发现,发生的原因是 我们的细胞图 很不成熟, 未成熟的心肌细胞都像起搏器。

12. Because this looks exactly the same as a stem cell culture, with large green cells surrounding small, immature cells.

译文:因为这看起来跟干细胞群落 几乎一模一样, 小的,尚未成熟的细胞被一大群 绿色,较大的细胞包围着。

13. This hormone cocktail suppresses ovulation, keeping the immature egg safely sequestered in the ovary.

译文:使卵巢中未成熟的卵子被安全隔绝 合成孕酮对付避孕也自有一招。

14. Early-responding inflammatory cells, like neutrophils and macrophages, respond to the emergency call.

译文:早期反应的发炎细胞, 如中性粒细胞和巨噬细胞, 在接警后会首先到达。

15. Now to be clear, we're not quite ready to do this.


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