殃及用英语怎么说 殃及的英语翻译

殃及用英语怎么说 殃及的英语翻译

殃及用英语说"bring disaster to",还经常被译作  to bring disaster to,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到47个与殃及相关的翻译和例句。


1. bring disaster to

殃及翻译为bring disaster to。

That's going to cause pain for dealers, and, eventually customers.


2.   to bring disaster to

殃及翻译为   to bring disaster to。

A fire on the city gate brings disaster to the fish in the moat.



Adverse impacts ( 殃及池鱼 )

The sins of the lathers are visited upon the Children ( 父辈的罪孽会殃及子孙 )

The trouble spreads to other branches ( 风波也殃及了其他支行 )

Gate adverse impacts of fire ( 城门失火殃及池鱼 )


1. A hundred and two families affected in all.


2. The villagers are starting a collection to hire a swordsman for protection.

译文:附近的人担心会殃及池鱼 所以愿拿一笔钱出来 找个高手杀了他们。

3. But the bulldozers would scrape up all the sponges and all the eggs with them.

译文:但是这些推土机会把所有 附着在上面的海绵动物刮下来, 并会殃及到上面的卵。

4. And soon he's gonna poison all our bones.


5. This universal pain - did it somehow weigh upon the heart of the boy who, in the company of his sister - she was seven years older - walked towards the penumbra of a cinema to see the first film of his life?

译文:这种殃及众生的伤痛 无形地压在了男孩的心上 一个大了他xx岁的姐姐陪着他。

6. An incident which turned into a riot, for which my family was blamed.

译文:意外就此演变为暴乱 还殃及我全家。

7. They just showed up, had a worldwide problem, they solved it in, pick a number, five years.

译文:他们就出生 遇到殃及全球的灾难 他们在数年内解决,就说xx年吧。

8. The fire started from an electrical outlet and spread through the house.


9. - Not if it harms us by upsetting our friends.

译文:如果会伤害友邦 殃及英国利益 那就免了 Not if it harms us by upsetting our friends.。

10. People will suffer. And you know how it always upset Mummy.

译文:总是殃及无辜 你也知道这惹妈妈生气。

11. Yeah, fine. But why do we have to be unhappy?

译文:没错 可为啥要殃及无辜呢。

12. The South also reported that... the river flooding destroyed houses and farmlands.

译文:江南道上奏 河水泛滥 殃及民宅民田。

13. But you're inflicting terrible sanctions on the innocent public.

译文:一定要殃及无辜民众吗? But you're inflicting terriblesanctions on the innocent public.。

14. Blasting each other and having aerial fights, destoying entire cities.

译文:在空中交战 激烈不已 甚至殃及城池。

15. Oh, don't talk to me about collateral damage.


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