两弹一星用英语怎么说 两弹一星英语翻译

两弹一星用英语怎么说 两弹一星英语翻译

两弹一星的英语可以这样说:Two Bombs One Satellite,在日常中也可以翻译为"  missiles, nuclear bombs, and the artificial satellite",在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到37个与两弹一星相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. Two Bombs One Satellite

两弹一星翻译为Two Bombs One Satellite。

示例:One live as two, two live as one
One live as two, two live as one


2.   missiles, nuclear bombs, and the artificial satellite

两弹一星翻译为   missiles, nuclear bombs, and the artificial satellite。

示例:it was deployed around 1988, carries nuclear bombs and cruise missiles.
xx年开始用于战略部署 运送核弹和巡航导弹


3. missiles nuclear bombs and the artificial satellite

两弹一星翻译为missiles nuclear bombs and the artificial satellite。

示例:it was deployed around 1988, carries nuclear bombs and cruise missiles.
xx年开始用于战略部署 运送核弹和巡航导弹



1. Pseudaletia unipuncta( 一星黏虫)

2. eight days(一星期;一星期)

3. spicae(n. 角宿第一星)

4. Menkar( 天囷一;天囷三;天团一星)

5. zubenelgenubi( 氐宿一;宿一星;氐宿增七)


1. At that time, a rascal will become a superintendent!

译文:到时候 一线两星变两线一星啦。

2. And you only get two a week.


3. One week. At the most a week.


4. Twice a week, a couple hours.

译文:-一星期两次 练两个小时。

5. Their flare was only two klicks north.


6. Yep. And i'll be seeing Sonia twice a week.

译文:嗯 我会一星期见Sonia两次。

7. He's now a one star General.


8. - Two belts. That will take care of some of them.


9. Two phosphorous, two smoke, two HE... two flashbangs per mag.


10. - ...from the same planetary grouping?

译文:- 这两个行星是同一星群的吧。

11. Two a week... 40 times 100 is 4000.

译文:一星期两本... 40乘100是4000。

12. A sling-shot back to there... just to the left Betelgeuse off Orion's shoulder,


13. Do you wanna-- We could play it together.

译文:要不要 我们两个一起弹。

14. ♪ And there's not a spark in sight

译文:♪ 没有一星半点的火花。

15. No, actually. Not that long at all. Maybe about a week.


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