惴惴不安用英语怎么说 惴惴不安英语翻译

惴惴不安用英语怎么说 惴惴不安英语翻译

惴惴不安的英语是"ill at ease",其次还可以说成"  AABC",在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到60个与惴惴不安相关的翻译和例句。


1. ill at ease

惴惴不安翻译为ill at ease。

I had the uncomfortable feeling that it was my fault.


2.   AABC

惴惴不安翻译为   AABC。

I wondered uneasily what he was thinking.


3.   zhu

惴惴不安翻译为   zhu。

The insanity which ran in his family haunted him.


4.   Uneasy

惴惴不安翻译为   Uneasy。

示例:"and i was terribly uneasy



1. disconcertment(不安 )

2. disquiet(不安 )

3. disquietude(不安 )

4. unrest(不安 )

5. unsettle(不安 )


1. i should've been happy when i heard that i might have a job but instead i became scared and suspicious.

译文:我得知自己可能有工作本该高兴... 然而我惴惴不安疑虑重重。

2. i know that lipstick means more than show, and boys are super insecure, and so-called terrorists are made, not born.

译文:还有唇膏不仅仅是为了展示 我知道男孩也时常惴惴不安 所谓的恐怖主义分子是后天的,非天生的。

3. i have bad feeling about this, for real this time.

译文:让人不安啊 不安啊。

4. i became particularly disturbed by a man i called The Hendon Ogre.

译文:那个被我称作亨顿食人魔的男人 尤其让我惴惴不安。

5. a woman and a kid and not getting your guts ripped out at age 30.

译文:- - a woman and a kid 不再为英年早逝而惴惴不安 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}and not getting your guts ripped out at age 30.。

6. Freddie, i'm going to show you a series of pictures.

译文:还有那种惴惴不安的落空感 弗莱迪 我会给你看几张图片。

7. - Kind of - kind of uneasy.

译文:- 有点不安。

8. My heart is beating... hoping that that kiss will not become a scar.

译文:我内心惴惴不安... 希望它不会变成爱的伤痕。

9. We're gonna spend it wringing our hands? Something's gonna get us eventually, and when my guts get ripped out, just so you two know, we're good.

译文:生命不是用来提心吊胆惴惴不安的 {\3cH202020}We're gonna spend it wringing our hands? we're good.。

10. Uh, not safe, definitely, definitely not safe.

译文:不安全 绝对绝对不安全。

11. it's the hours we spend obsessing about tasks we didn't complete or stewing about tensions with a colleague, or anxiously worrying about the future, or second-guessing decisions we've made.

译文:我们花费数个小时 为我们没有完成的任务困扰, 为和同事的紧张关系闷闷不乐, 为未来忧心如焚, 或者为已经做出的决定惴惴不安。

12. it's not safe, not anymore.

译文:不安全 现在不安全了。

13. i have a bad feeling about this, bad...

译文:我好不安 就是不安。

14. At home, Bai Su Zhen was uneasy.


15. And what truly terrifies me is that if i am to blame, what have i sent him on to,

译文:尤其让我惴惴不安的是 如果责任在我 我为什么当初送他去。

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