上列用英语说"the above-listed",还网络中常译为"the above",在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到69个与上列相关的短语释义和例句。
1. the above-listed
上列翻译为the above-listed。
Thousands of local people lined the streets and clapped as the procession went by.
2. the above
上列翻译为the above。
This will then list the certificate contents on the screen.
1. upper row(上列)
2. listed above(上列的)
3. Sea Train Line( 海上列车运输公司)
4. listee(n. 登记簿上列名者)
5. eradicator meat( 碎果肉;果皮上列留的果肉;小块果块)
North Bound North train ( 北上列车 )
listed above ( 上列的 )
Sea Train Line ( 海上列车运输公司 )
3D Island Train Shooter 3D ( 岛上列车射手)
the items listed above the above-listed items ( 上列各项 )
eradicator meat ( 果皮上列留的果肉 )
print or print screen ( 线上列印 )
The Sing-song Girls of Shanghai Lives of Shanghai Singsong Girls Journal of Simao Teachers' College( 海上花列传 )
1. Comrade Lieutenant, they snuck into the car.
译文:他们偷上列车 被我抓住了 中尉同志。
2. After hours of waiting, they will travel in several trains through the GDR to the emergency camps in the FRG.
译文:他们苦候多时,终于搭上列车 经东德前往西德的救济营。
3. He had a clause in his will which stated that Lisa Marie along with any illegitimate child he may have fathered be entitled to his entire estate.
译文:他的遗嘱上列明Lisa Marie... ...和所有是他亲骨肉的非婚子女... ...都有权继承他的财产.。
4. They're all on that reading list.
5. And, now, the train stopped, and the gangster elite marched on the ramp.
译文:火车停了下来 那些道貌岸然的强盗 在斜坡上列好队。
6. Lined up all the world's losers for me.
7. Lined up on deck when Langmann came on board for the funeral.
8. Everything listed in Pennsylvania's report.
9. i'm a hero of the Soviet Union. i wear the Order of Lenin on my rump.
译文:我是苏联的英雄, 我在身上纹上列宁的教导。
10. They gave you the illusion nothing happened because they don't send you on a transport when you are sick.
译文:他们给你一种什么都没发生的错觉 因为当你生了病 他们就不把你 送上列车 所以我不得不...。
11. i downloaded it off the internet myself.
12. See, a lot of drug dealers use stickers to mark their products. Like a brand name.
译文:你看,很多毒品贩子在毒品上列印记 像是商标名。
13. in this situation, it's do as the Romans do. Climb aboard and hope that the sheer weight of demand will persuade them to run the train.
14. it's from Charleston. "Checking every northbound train.
译文:是查尔斯顿寄来的 "检查每列北上列车。
15. We find guys like Bjorn Sundin, originally from Sweden, and his partner in crime, also listed on the iNTERPOL wanted pages, Mr. Shaileshkumar Jain, a U.S. citizen.
译文:我们找到了比约恩·松丁这个人,来自瑞典 与他的伙伴进行了犯罪 同样在国际刑警组页面上列出了 Shaileshkumar Jain 一名美国公民。