强弱用英语怎么说 强弱的英语翻译

强弱用英语怎么说 强弱的英语翻译

强弱在英语中的翻译是"  Strength",其次还可以说成"strong and weak",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到93个与强弱相关的翻译和例句。


1.   Strength

强弱翻译为   Strength。

The various fashion weeks are a snapshot of the industry’s strengths and weaknesses.


2. strong and weak

强弱翻译为strong and weak。

The pulse is differentiated in terms of depth (superficial or deep), speed ( rapid or slow), strength (forceful or weak), shape ( thick or thready, soft or hard) and rhythm.


3.   strong and weak

强弱翻译为   strong and weak。

Nicole Ellison of Michigan State University found that the frequency of networking site use correlates with greater self-esteem.


4.   intensity

强弱翻译为   intensity。

示例:The intensity of the upspring.



1. relative strength index(强弱指标,相对强弱指数)

2. reversed accent(强弱易位)

3. rhetorical accent(修饰强弱)

4. vigor of pig(仔猪强弱状况)

5. strength of( 强度;强弱度)


RSI Relative Strength Index Relative Strength Indicator ( 相对强弱指标 )

RSI Relative Strength Index Relative Strength Indicator haha Relative Strength Indicator ( 相对强弱指数 )

Temporary victory may be determined by one's might but lasting victory is determined by whether one( 一时之强弱在力 千古之胜负在理 )

RSI relative strength index ( 强弱指标 )

Stoch RSI ( 随机相对强弱指数 )

Strong & Weak Current Worker ( 强弱电工 )


1. Weak and mighty, rich and poor

译文:无论贫富 无论强弱。

2. "A man's strengths flow from the same well as his weaknesses."


3. And i'm being told the dynamic.


4. So what i'm going to tell you about is using the circuitry of the brain to implant electrodes and turning areas of the brain up and down to see if we can help our patients.

译文:所以,我要说的是 借由植入大脑回路中的电极 来调整大脑中某些区域的信号强弱 来看我们是否能帮助病人。

5. No, socialism for me is... always thinking about who is strong and who is weak.

译文:不,社会主义对我来说是... 总是关注强弱问题。

6. pianissimo alternating with fortissimo.

译文:整部戏的紧密布局 强弱之间的千变万化。

7. There are also small irregularities in the field, locations where the field is a little weaker or stronger.

译文:地球磁场中还存在着许多微小的不规则的地方 There are also small irregularities in the field, 在这些不规则的地方 locations where the field 磁场会有强弱不同的变化 is a little weaker or stronger.。

8. Depending on how strong it is, maybe structure forms faster or slower.

译文:取决于能量的强弱 或许结构的形成会有快有慢。

9. One mile, one brick wall, three insurgents... gone.

译文:即使在那么远的距离, 如果子弹击中目标 你可以毫无疑问的 改变战场的力量强弱对比。

10. And that distance and knowing that amount of light is important because it's a little like you or i sitting around a campfire: You want to be close enough to the campfire so that you're warm, but not so close that you're too toasty and you get burned.

译文:对距离与光照强弱的了解是非常关键的, 这就好像我们坐在一个篝火边上。你会想要靠的够近好让自己取暖, 但是又不可以太近, 导致温度太高把自己烫伤。

11. And that distance and knowing that amount of light is important because it's a little like you or i sitting around a campfire: You want to be close enough to the campfire so that you're warm, but not so close that you're too toasty and you get burned.

译文:对距离与光照强弱的了解是非常关键的, 这就好像我们坐在一个篝火边上。你会想要靠的够近好让自己取暖, 但是又不可以太近, 导致温度太高把自己烫伤。

12. i can't really judge the strength of your signal but it doesn't sound close.

译文:我不能根据你们信号的强弱来判断你们在哪儿, 但听起来好像不是很近. 。

13. it's about weakness and vulnerability. it's not a looks thing.


14. And the eternal contest between Good and Evil is not fought with great armies... but one fife at a time.

译文:而上帝与魔鬼之间永无止境地较量并非取决于兵力强弱... 而是取决于每一份人生的选择。

15. - An E-meter? Audit yourself.


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