不误用英语怎么说 不误的英语翻译

不误用英语怎么说 不误的英语翻译

不误的英语是"  without fail",在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到13个与不误相关的翻译和例句。


1.   without fail

不误翻译为   without fail。

It can be tough trying to juggle a career and a family.



Things correct to neglect neither one ( 两不误 )

Not Just a Living ( 生活两不误 )

punctual ( 不误期的 )

Not Just a Living ( 创业生活两不误 )

Deliberating is not delaying ( 深思熟虑不误事 )

don't be afraid of dark ( 陈迷不误 )

accurate ( 正确不误的 )

unbalance error error unbalanced ( 不平衡误差 )


1. i'll take anyone on the ground who suffered emotionally.

译文:但陆上那些遭受情感创伤的 我照收不误。

2. Well, what's wrong with mixing a little business with pleasure?

译文:工作娱乐两不误 Well, what's wrong with mixing 难道不好吗 a little business with pleasure。

3. Just keep on the way you're going.


4. Well, i will sing one off key for you


5. The cancer didn't give a shit. it just kept growing.

译文:癌症才不鸟那些 照长不误。

6. i do as long as you won't suspect me.


7. But not now They are brave now Master is here

译文:那是刚才的事 趁你师父在,老虎一样照打不误了。

8. i wanted to show him i wasn't soft, so i tried to play injured.

译文:我想在他面前显示我不是那么瘦弱, 所以我才想即使受伤也照踢不误。

9. Now, if i'm not mistaken, that was... you.

译文:现在,如果我米不误, 这是...。

10. i never wrote back, but he kept writing anyway


11. A story can do two things.

译文:人家觉得两不误嘛 A story can do two things.。

12. World's just gonna keep on turnin', and some asshole's just gonna replace him.

译文:地球少了他照转不误 还是会有其他坏家伙接替他的位置。

13. it's very important that we make sure that we haven't destroyed the pacemaker cells that Katlyn very much needs to keep.

译文:非常重要的一点在于 我们要确保 不误伤凯特琳健康的起搏细胞。

14. He invites everybody from high society to every tramp in town.

译文:他不但广邀上流社会人士 连城里的三教九流也照邀不误。

15. But you're lucky. They don't usually limit their fire to the mule.

译文:但算你走运 巴特帮连骡子都照杀不误。

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