上颚用英语怎么说 上颚的英语翻译

上颚用英语怎么说 上颚的英语翻译

上颚的英语可以这样说:the upper jaw,还网络中常译为"maxilla",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到75个与上颚相关的译文和例句。


1. the upper jaw

上颚翻译为the upper jaw。

radiofrequency ablation of the soft palate, which clears tissue out of the way;


2. maxilla


You can improve an ice cream headache by rapidly rubbing your tongue across the roof of your mouth to help warm up things.


3. palate


Palatal enanthem can also occur, but is relatively uncommon.


4. upper jaw -

上颚翻译为 upper jaw -。

示例:it crashes through the upper jaw to the brain.



1. extensacuta(上颚膜片)

2. foramen maxillary(上颚孔)

3. mandibular lever(上颚杆)

4. mandibular spine(上颚刺)

5. mandibularia(上颚片)


maxillary central incisor ( 上颚正门齿 )

mandibular gland ( 上颚腺 昆 )

Maxilla supramaxillary ( 上颚骨 )

maxillary central incisor ( 上颚正中门齿 )

conjunctivus ( 上颚片 昆 )

mandibular palpus ( 上颚须 昆 )

mandibular segment ( 上颚节 昆 )

movable maxillary ( 移动上颚 )


1. And he lost his lower jaw, his lip, his chin and his upper jaw and teeth.

译文:他失去了下颚,嘴唇,下巴 还有上颚和牙齿。

2. Careful with the tongue... it must go here, against the palate... then spit it out.

译文:注意舌头的位置... 它要放在这里,抵住上颚... 然后发音。

3. i shot myself through the roof of my mouth this morning with Vyvyan Ayrs' Luger.

译文:今天凌晨我用枪射穿我的上颚 (剑桥三一学院,鲁弗斯•斯科史密斯收) 是维维安•埃尔斯的鲁格尔手枪。

4. So this is a photograph of Henry, two weeks after he had a malignant cancer removed from the left side of his face -- his cheekbone, his upper jaw, his eye-socket.

译文:这是亨利的一张照片 在他把恶性肿瘤 从他左侧的脸上 - 他的颧骨, 他的上颚和眼窝上切除几周之后照得。

5. And he lost his lower jaw, his lip, his chin and his upper jaw and teeth.

译文:他失去了下颚,嘴唇,下巴 还有上颚和牙齿。

6. So this is a photograph of Henry, two weeks after he had a malignant cancer removed from the left side of his face -- his cheekbone, his upper jaw, his eye-socket.

译文:这是亨利的一张照片 在他把恶性肿瘤 从他左侧的脸上 - 他的颧骨, 他的上颚和眼窝上切除几周之后照得。

7. You must let slide to your tongue behind your palate.


8. it crashes through the upper jaw to the brain.


9. it is through the study of the anterior chamber in multiple specimens that we can determine the correlation between the upper palate and the larynx.

译文:经过多重的前腔研究 我们确定了上颚和喉头的关联。

10. From the upper and lower jaws...

译文:从上颚和下颚 闭上你的嘴 放我走啊。

11. These are all baleen whales which use hairy baleen plates instead of teeth to trap their prey.

译文:它们都属于须鲸亚目 用上颚所延伸下来的梳子状的板片而非牙齿来捕获食物。

12. ...and the maxilal is more than 50 centimeterl long.


13. Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth.

译文:得了花生酱粘上颚恐惧症 是怕花生酱 粘在自己的上颚上边。

14. They overshot their destination.


15. Just, cleansing my palate.


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