历史渊源用英语怎么说 历史渊源英语翻译

历史渊源用英语怎么说 历史渊源英语翻译

历史渊源用英语翻译为"  historical figures",其次还可以说成"historical origin -",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到59个与历史渊源相关的释义和例句。


1.   historical figures

历史渊源翻译为   historical figures。

Such caution stems from history.


2. historical origin -

历史渊源翻译为 historical origin -。

Europe's creation of a single currency remains both futuristic and weighted with history.


3. historic source -

历史渊源翻译为 historic source -。

This is another idea with a history.


4.   Historical origin

历史渊源翻译为   Historical origin。

示例:And three, "is the story in historical context?"
Is the story in historical context?



1. historical origin([法] 历史渊源, 历史根源)

2. historical origins( 历史渊源;中山装的历史渊源;历史起源)

3. historical source( 历史资料;历史根源;历史渊源)

4. legal source(法律渊源)

5. sources thesis(渊源论)


Historical Origin of Economic Prosperity ( 经济繁荣的历史渊源 )

historical origin of law ( 法的历史渊源 )

Historical Origin of Economic Prosperity ( 经济昌盛的历史渊源 )

Chinese tea culture history ( 中国的茶文化历史渊源 )

Rural credit cooperatives in history ( 农村信用社的历史渊源 )

a long historical source ( 悠久的历史渊源 )

historical and cultural origin ( 历史文化渊源 )


1. i began tracing the secret back through history


2. i don't understand the reference.

译文:我没懂这渊源在哪 I don't understand the reference.。

3. You come from a long line of 'em.


4. Some of us have history with this thing here, so...


5. My history is one with the history of the Universe


6. Your Honor, her ties to America are very strong.

译文:法官大人 她和美国有很深的渊源了。

7. We have such history, you and i, Gabriel.


8. They discovered the relationship between rodwork, and swordplay

译文:痛定思痛 探究出了棍法、刀法的渊源。

9. it's all history, the whole thing is history.

译文:当然有 这一切都有渊源。

10. He's associated with Wilhelm's theatre,


11. i dunno... she has some kind of hold on Spike.

译文:谁知道啊 好像是跟Spike有点渊源的女人。

12. Every like, every mood, shopping history, browsing history, reading history, our entire web history is tracked these days.

译文:每个点赞,每个心情, 购物历史,浏览历史,阅读历史, 现在我们整个网页 历史都会被追踪。

13. But does it ever occur to you that since we've been partners for so long, and you're always on the frontline these years, if i go down,

译文:不过你们有没有想过... 我们搭档发财这么多年了... 渊源深厚。

14. i mean, you've got to realize i go way back with black guys.


15. Why do we like an original painting better than a forgery? Psychologist Paul Bloom argues that human beings are essentialists -- that our beliefs about the history of an object change how we experience it, not simply as an illusion, but as a deep feature of what pleasure is.

译文:为什么我们喜欢真迹不喜欢仿画?心理学家保罗·布鲁姆相信人类是本质主义者,我们对一件事物历史渊源的认知会改变我们对这个事物的感受, 并不是一种简单的错觉,而是快乐和痛苦的一个深层特点。

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