水光山色用英语怎么说 水光山色英语翻译

水光山色用英语怎么说 水光山色英语翻译

水光山色通常被翻译为"  wxsgss"的意思,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到90个与水光山色相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   wxsgss

水光山色翻译为   wxsgss。

But residents in Shuguang Residential Area can enjoy the scenery of waterside landscape.



1. Kineret( 湖光山色;受体拮抗剂)

2. waterproof cable(防水光缆)

3. Kwangsan([地名] 光山 ( 朝 ))

4. Leuchtenbergia( 光山属;仙人掌科光山属)

5. Salix xiaoguangshanica( 小光山柳)


Sight viewing at Seattle ( 山光水色 )


1. You know what i mean. The lake and stuff.


2. That's why he sent Shitty Kong to keep an eye on him.


3. Water shimmered out from under it... as if it were flooded.

译文:下面水光粼粼 好像被淹了。

4. And therefore, we made "Waterlicht," a combination of LEDs and lenses, which show how high the water level would be -- global change -- if we stop.

译文:所以,我们建造了“水光”, 有LED灯和镜片组成, 它展示了如果我们 不再尝试与自然和平共处, 温室效应将导致水平面升高多少。

5. in France it's considered a very beautiful river, due mostly to its light.

译文:在法国 卢瓦尔河被视为 一条非常美丽的河流 尤其是因为水光柔和。

6. The clear waters of the Yangtze the emerald leaves of the mountains the birds returning to nest the fisherman singing his evening song

译文:长江水清 山色常绿 有飞鸟栖息。

7. The scenery up here is fantastic ln fact, i'm enjoying the cool breeze i'm not in a hurry, take your time

译文:因为在这个高处,去欣赏这些湖光山色 也是一件赏心乐事 我不赶时间,你们慢慢聊。

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