人类的代表用英语怎么说 人类的代表英语翻译

人类的代表用英语怎么说 人类的代表英语翻译



1. unrepresented


示例:Scarcely a denizen of the deep is unrepresented at Mamasan's table.


2. representational


示例:Father says it's representational.


3. noosphere

4. anthropic


示例:(Laughter) That's the strong anthropic principle of vacuuming.
:) 那是带有强烈人为意识的真空学理论



1. representational(代表的 )

2. anthropic(人类的 )

3. hostis humani generis( 人类公敌;人类的公敌;人类的敌人)

4. noosphere(人类圈, 人类知识的总和)

5. unrepresented(未被代表的 )


1. What will this hold for what we call - humanity?

译文:人类这个名词所代表的... 是什么。

2. And it represents the ability of the world's population to volunteer and to contribute and collaborate on large, sometimes global, projects.

译文:它代表了 人类 在大型,全球化的项目上 自愿贡献和合作的能力。

3. And coyote is man, endlessly chasing the divine, yet never able to catch him.

译文:野狼代表人类 人类总是一心向神 但是从来都无法与神相交 真是...。

4. We do not believe you speak for all humanity.


5. This is the way of life that you chose.

译文:夺去人类的生命 人类的生命。

6. Just because something doesn't look like us, or look like everybody else, doesn't mean it's scary.

译文:不吓人啊。他们是和我们人类长得不同 但不代表他该是恐怖的啊。

7. The tiger for aggression, the snake for flexibility, the leopard for speed,

译文:老虎代表进攻 蛇代表灵活 猎豹代表速度。

8. We're representing the people now...


9. This man is supposed to represent a generic human being, and all of the circles in that man are all the cells that make up your body.

译文:一个一般人类的代表 在他身上所有的圆圈代表着各个组成人体的细胞。

10. White to silver, yellow for gold and brown to bronze.

译文:白色代表银 黄色代表金 棕色代表铜。

11. And someday you'll realise that it represents a whole lot more than just people's inventions.

译文:有一天你会明白... 这代表的不只是人类的发明。

12. it's a sign of trust. A human thing.

译文:那代表信任 是人类的语言。

13. God made man in his image so, what man creates is also God's will.

译文:上帝以自己的样子创造了人类... ...所以,人类创造的也代表了上帝的意愿。

14. i think he's representative of the human spirit, of what's possible.


15. You are the contact team that was recommended in the Goodman Report.

译文:你们是诺曼的报告里 所推荐的人类接触代表队成员.。

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