守株待兔四字用英语怎么说 守株待兔四字英语翻译

守株待兔四字用英语怎么说 守株待兔四字英语翻译



1. quadwords

2. nybble

3. tetrodonts

4. qword


1. quadwords( 四字)

2. nybble([电] 四字节)

3. tetradonts( 四字体)

4. tetrodonts( 四字体)

5. qword( 四字;背单子软体;四字节数据)


1. i always waited for it to sort of hit me on the head.


2. if we of the initial 4 muscle in on them now what would the other Triads say of us?

译文:我们四字头就砸他们的地盘 你想江湖中人,会怎么说我们呢。

3. He's under Chow at the initial 4.


4. Ours is the fourword trick.

译文:我们这个叫"四字诀" Ours is the fourword trick.。

5. so gorgeous; so charming... so beautiful; so bewitching...

译文:沉鱼落雁 闭月羞花 倾国倾城这样的四字词语。

6. Your "Red Honor" underiing bumped off my man


7. We don't have the fuel to wait him out.


8. Whatever our future disputes with "Red Honor"

译文:无论赤义堂和我们四字头 将来发生什么争拗也好。

9. Okay, we've got a four-word sentence here for you.

译文:好了,我们已经有了一个四字一句 这里为你。

10. Big Pang of the initial 4 was Chow's father.


11. - He'll be waiting for you.

译文:- 他正守株待兔呢。

12. Four across. A four-letter word. "Antony of antiquity."

译文:第四行 四字单词"古代的Antony "。

13. it's four words; we call that a four-gram.

译文:它有四个单词 我们称它为四字格。

14. Those are fatso Walter Papa's words really,


15. it started with "He who. "

译文:啊啥? 都是四字成语。

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