泪如泉涌用英语怎么说 泪如泉涌英语翻译

泪如泉涌用英语怎么说 泪如泉涌英语翻译

泪如泉涌的英语可以这样说:a stream of tears,还经常被译作  a stream of tears,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到37个与泪如泉涌相关的翻译和例句。


1. a stream of tears

泪如泉涌翻译为a stream of tears。

We wept buckets.


2.   a stream of tears

泪如泉涌翻译为   a stream of tears。

She lost control and the tears began to flow.


3.   to burst in tears

泪如泉涌翻译为   to burst in tears。

The onrush of tears took me by surprise.


4.   Tears about to burst

泪如泉涌翻译为   Tears about to burst。

示例:i almost burst into tears.



1. stream of tears(泪如泉涌)

2. to gush( 喷薄;泉涌;感情冲动)

3. mitera( 米特拉;泉涌寺)


1. - it's broken me loose. Here, pack these too.


2. i've described it as a kind of projectile vomiting, a torrent of ideas, of characters, of voices, of verses, couplets, entire songs almost formed whole, materialized in front of me as if they'd been bottled up inside me for many, many years.

译文:我形容过这样的情形就像吐东西一样, 灵感、人物、声音、主段、副歌如泉涌出, 整首歌如同在我体内封存许久后, 于我眼前蔚然成形。

3. it's like a spigot has opened up.


4. -She cries like a cow peeing.


5. When we first opened the graves, we couldn't help it, we all burst out sobbing.

译文:当我们首次打开墓穴 我们忍不住泪如泉涌,泣不成声。

6. Damn, that was like some... paranormal activity type shit moving through me.

译文:突然来了灵感 文思如泉涌。

7. The fifth "fine stream down"


8. it could have been in the dark depths were sulphureous springs bubbled up heated by the Earth's magma.

译文:可能是在黑暗的深处 经地球岩浆加热过的 硫磺泉涌流而出。

9. it's gushing out of me like a ripe well.


10. i'm in the zone as it were.


11. We've gotjoy like a fountain


12. - i'm a scriptwriter, writing a series of criminal stories, one a week.

译文:写系列犯罪故事 每周一篇 那你需要文思泉涌。

13. CL: The art of discovering and that which is hovering inside the mind of those unconfined All of these words keep pouring out like rain i need a mad scientist to check my brain Computer: Stop.

译文:♫ 对艺术的探索我还在徘徊的路上The art of discovering and that which is hovering ♫ ♫ 在未知的内心深处Inside the mind of those unconfined ♫ ♫ 所有这些轻声细语像才思泉涌一样不断地迸出All of these words keep pouring out like rain ♫ ♫我需要一个疯狂的科学家来了解我才思泉涌的大脑I need a mad scientist to check my brain ♫ (掌声)。

14. And as his tongue slides in my ass i begin to cum...

译文:当他的舌滑下... 我的臀... 我开始泉涌...。

15. No, it's just when i get stressed, words sort of flow right out of me and i try and channel them in my songwriting...

译文:不是 每当我紧张的时候 No, it's just when I get stressed, 就会文思泉涌 words sort of flow right out of me 而我会试着把它们写进歌里...。

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