松仁用英语怎么说 松仁的英语翻译

松仁用英语怎么说 松仁的英语翻译

松仁的英语是"pinenut -",还经常被译作  Pine nut kernel,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到32个与松仁相关的译文和例句。


1. pinenut -

松仁翻译为 pinenut -。

The studies didn't include pine nuts or Brazil nuts.


2.   Pine nut kernel

松仁翻译为   Pine nut kernel。

Kevin returns to the store and buys three packages of American-grown pine nuts.


3. pine nut

松仁翻译为pine nut。

Condiments: Almond Slices, Walnuts, Macadamias and Pine nuts.


4.   pine nut

松仁翻译为   pine nut。

示例:i'll fix some pine-nut pesto pasta real quick!
我可以给咱们做点意面 一会儿就能做好



1. pine nut(n. 松仁, 松子)

2. pinenut(n. 松子; 松仁儿)

3. pinenuts( 松子;松仁;松籽仁)

4. pine nuts(na. 松子;松果\n 松仁;松子仁;汤匙松子)

5. pignolias(n.\n松子;松仁 [亦作 pignoli, pignolia nut, pine nut])


Damian Lau Chung Yan Chan Kan-Nam ( 刘松仁 )

black mushroom with pine nuts with Pine Nuts Black Mushrooms dawn Pine Nuts ( 松仁香菇 )

Pine Stone Cowboy Light Milk With Pine Nut ( 松仁淡奶 )

Basil Pesto ( 罗勒松仁酱 )

Italian ricotta pine nut cake ( 意大利松仁蛋糕 )

Pine Nut and Vermicelli ( 松仁粉丝 )

Braised Pork with Pine Nut ( 松仁小肚 )

black mushrooms with pine nuts ( 松仁儿喷鼻菇 )


1. Then red wine, Ligurian olives... pine nuts.

译文:然后是红酒 利古里亚橄榄 还有松仁。

2. So inside the cones it has put tasty nutritious pine nuts.

译文:因此在松果里 它放上美味又营养的松仁。

3. With its perfectly-shaped beak it prises the nuts from the cones and tucks them one by one into a special pouch under its tongue

译文:利用其形状完美的鸟喙 它从松果中撬出松仁 大吃特吃把它们一一 吞入舌头下面一个特别的小颊袋内。

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