没入的英语是" immerge",其次还可以说成"mergence",在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到34个与没入相关的释义和例句。
1. immerge
没入翻译为 immerge。
I don't even know the ABC of the subject yet.
2. mergence
The beach shelved gently down to the water.
3. sink
没入翻译为 sink。
I prayed for light; the sun went down in clouds.
4. set
没入翻译为 set。
示例:- All set and standing by!
-All set and standing by!
1. ice keel(【海洋学】没入水下的破冰体,冰龙骨)
2. duckings(v. 闪避(duck的ing形式);没入水中\nn. 闪避;钻入水中;急速的低头)
Into the Roil ( 没入狂搅 )
Fade To Black ( 没入黑暗 )
Horse in the wall decoration ( 没入墙壁的黑马 )
The colours faded into darkness ( 亮丽色彩也没入黑暗 )
sank to the bottom of the river ( 没入河底 )
1. Sanchez has no priors, no affiliations we know of, and he's not on drug squad's radar.
译文:Sanchez没前科 没入帮派 缉毒科的黑名单里也没有他。
2. That's a big if. And he never used these residences.
译文:这个前提太难了 况且他从没入住过这些住处。
3. See, the patient was never admitted, even with such extensive injuries.
译文:受了这么严重的伤 病人根本没入院。
4. - Money never made it to Evidence.
译文:怎样? 钱没入过证据库。
5. And a few meters ahead of us, there was a place where a tree had fallen out of the bank, and its branches were touching the water, and it was shadowy.
译文:在前方几米处 岸边有棵树倒落河滨 枝干已没入水面 形成一片阴影。
6. So, what, i didn't get the part?
7. Hey, Matt, you were no belt in karate, i believe?
译文:马特 你空手道没入门吧。
8. it was five years before the invasion.
译文:那是xx年前 外星人还没入侵的事了。
9. You're in luck. Mother of the bride never checked in.
译文:你真走运 新娘的母亲一直没入住。
10. - i don't get into character.
11. And none can imagine the world power to what we do
译文:没入可以想像 这种力量会变成什么 可以用来做什么。
12. - You didn't fight in the war?
译文:每个人都打过 你没入伍参战吗 - 你没入伍参战吗。
13. Always had nothing but good things to say, but he wasn't picked on the team.
译文:总是不断称赞着他 但他最后没入选。
14. Alternates are those who didn't make the team.
译文:替补是那些没入选的 Alternates are those who didn't make the team.。
15. All their property will be confiscated and deposited in the national reserve
译文:发配岭南,查抄其家产 籍没入库。