堂吉诃德用英语怎么说 堂吉诃德英语翻译

堂吉诃德用英语怎么说 堂吉诃德英语翻译

堂吉诃德的英语是"don quixote -",还网络中常译为"  I Don Quxiote",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到24个与堂吉诃德相关的短语释义和例句。


1. don quixote -

堂吉诃德翻译为 don quixote -。

Quixote had neither.


2.   I Don Quxiote

堂吉诃德翻译为   I Don Quxiote。

It may have been Quixotic, but it was magnificent.


3.   Quixote

堂吉诃德翻译为   Quixote。

Is this a quixotic task?


4.   Don Quixote

堂吉诃德翻译为   Don Quixote。

示例:(Speaks Spanish) Don Quixote:



1. Don Quixote(堂吉诃德 )

2. Quixote(堂吉诃德 )

3. quixotic(堂吉诃德的 )

4. quixotism(堂吉诃德式的行为 )

5. quixotry(堂吉诃德式的行为 )


Don Quixote Route Ruta de Don Quijote ( 堂吉诃德之路 )

Hotel Don Quijote Don Chisciotte ( 堂吉诃德酒店 )

The Quijote Museum ( 堂吉诃德博物馆 )

Quixotic ( 堂吉诃德式 )


1. To be honest and straight in New York, that's like Don Quixote fighting windmills.

译文:在纽约保持着一种诚实和坦诚的态度... 真的挺难的 就像是堂吉诃德对抗风车一样。

2. Don Quixote is undeterred, but his piercing lance is soon caught in their sails.

译文:堂吉诃德仍不气馁, 但是他刺出的长矛 立刻就被风车的风帆卡住了。

3. So, The Life and Times of Don Quixote.

译文:说说吧 堂吉诃德的人生与时代。

4. i need to finish reading "Don Quixote".


5. Mounting his skinny steed, the protagonist of Don Quixote charges an army of giants.

译文:骑上瘦马, 主人公堂吉诃德 向一队巨人发起进攻。

6. How's he supposed to learn 'Don Quixote' in three hours?


7. At that time, i had yet to read "Don Quixote".


8. But Don Quixote is unstoppable.


9. Hey, Sancho Panza, what's this called again?

译文:嗨,桑科・潘萨(堂吉诃德的仆人) 这又是在干嘛。

10. i can't actually tell you about her, because if i do, then i'll break the spell.

译文:喜欢红头发的女人? 红发和堂吉诃德是 同一个故事的一部分。

11. ( Monitor beeping ) "What matter wounds?

译文:xx年电影《梦幻骑士》中堂吉诃德的台词 "受伤又如何。

12. i'm Don Quixote, you can be Sancho, she'll be Dulcinea, and everyone out there is the horse.

译文:我是堂吉诃德,你就是仆从桑丘 而她则是杜尔西内娅 那边的每个人都是马儿。

13. Hey, Dulcinea, i wasn't the one who came in a year ago talking about Don Quixote.

译文:达尔西尼亚 xx年前跑来 达尔西尼亚: 堂吉诃德所爱慕的乡村姑娘 麦肯当初引用的《堂吉诃德》是音乐剧 而非原著小说。

14. This literary revelation has led many scholars to call Don Quixote the first modern novel.

译文:这种文学展开方式 让许多学者将堂吉诃德称为 第一本现代小说。

15. Who's read "Don Quixote?" (Laughter) But wait, but wait, wait, wait, wait, there's more.

译文:谁读过《堂吉诃德》?(大笑) 但是,等一下,等一下,等一下,还有呢。

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