贴标签用英语怎么说 贴标签的英语翻译

贴标签用英语怎么说 贴标签的英语翻译

贴标签的英语可以这样说:  stick mark charge,其次还可以说成"labelling",在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到11个与贴标签相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   stick mark charge

贴标签翻译为   stick mark charge。

They gave us T-shirts and stickers.


2. labelling


Professor Orr has developed interesting ways of tagging chemical molecules using existing laboratory lasers.


3.   adhibit

贴标签翻译为   adhibit。

It was a film to train the employees in different museums in the techniques they should use for labelling ancient objects without damaging them.


4.   tagging

贴标签翻译为   tagging。

示例:- You're not tagging along.



1. hashtagging( 贴标签)

2. label space(贴标签位置)

3. labeling([经] 贴标签)

4. self labelling(自我贴标签)

5. labelable( 可贴标签)


labeler labeling machine labeller ( 贴标签机 包装 )

label attach a label to ( 贴标签于 )

labelling characterizationling error labelled imports ( 加贴标签 )

attach label to parcel ( 给包裹贴标签 )

paste adhesive labeling machine paste adhesive labeling machellone ( 粘浆式贴标签机 )

portal type labeling machine ( 龙门式贴标签机 )

drum type labeling machine ( 转鼓式贴标签机 )

medicinal labeling machine ( 药用贴标签机 )

self-adhesive labeling machine ( 不干胶贴标签机 )


1. And i like to exhibit these paintings in the exhibition halls without labels, and then i ask people, "Which one do you prefer?"

译文:然后我喜欢把这两幅画放在展览厅里 不贴标签,然后我问人们, “你比较喜欢哪个?”。

2. And i like to exhibit these paintings in the exhibition halls without labels, and then i ask people, "Which one do you prefer?"

译文:然后我喜欢把这两幅画放在展览厅里 不贴标签,然后我问人们, “你比较喜欢哪个?”。

3. i'm very into labels. Gay. Straight.

译文:我很在意贴标签 同性恋,异性恋,二者择一。

4. Get our friend bags and tags and let's get outta here.

译文:把这个装带贴标签 我们走吧。

5. it's a serial we call the Tag Killer.


6. Or you could tag Facebook photos with the emotions that you had associated with those memories and then instantly prioritize the streams that catch your attention, just like this.

译文:或者你可以 根据你记忆上的那些感觉 来对Facebook贴标签, 然后马上对你脑中出现的东西 进行排序, 就像这样。

7. Look, we don't have to put a label on it. That's fine.

译文:我们不需要贴标签 没关系,我懂。

8. Looks like an evidence tag.


9. - Pinning labels on me in public.

译文:- 在公众面前给我身上贴标签。

10. Maybe when we label people:


11. You'regoingto have to relabel the bottle.


12. i mean, it really bothers me when people try to pigeonhole me like that.


13. i have met this woman this Tag Killer.


14. And stop with the labels, the limiting.

译文:停止给自己贴标签,设限制 --。

15. Poisoned drops... The electric shock.

译文:枪响 毒药标签...。

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