自述的英语是"recount or narrate by oneself",还网络中常译为" Rolf Lovland",在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到20个与自述相关的译文和例句。
1. recount or narrate by oneself
自述翻译为recount or narrate by oneself。
Patients usually report blurred or decreased vision.
2. Rolf Lovland
自述翻译为 Rolf Lovland。
A simple readme file is included in the download package.
3. Statement
自述翻译为 Statement。
The readme explains how to properly set up the environment.
4. ReadMe
1. selfdescribed( 自述)
2. readme files(自述文件\n[计] 自述文件)
3. read me([计] 自述文件)
4. README file([计] 自述文件)
5. readme(n. 自述文件\n[计] 自述文件)
Dolce Vita ( 甜蜜自述 )
readme license agreement The Readme file ( 自述文件 )
Dolce Vita ( 甜美自述 )
A Reporter Quotes His Sources ( 记者自述 )
My Self-introduction Speaking For Myself My Readme About Myself ( 我的自述 )
Artist Statement ( 创作自述 )
Cover Letter for Visa Application ( 签证自述信 )
Personal Statement ( 个人自述 )
Lrving's Account of HimseIf ( 欧文自述 )
1. Kafka narrates every second chapter, with the rest centering on an old man named Satoru Nakata.
译文:卡夫卡的自述每隔一个章节展开, 剩余的篇幅 则以一位名为中田的老人为中心。
2. National Security cases focus on confessions.
3. i became involved... in the manufacture of execution equipment... because i was concerned with the deplorable condition... of the hardware that's in most of the states'prisons, which generally results in torture... prior to death.
译文:[自述]: 我最初开始参与制造处死刑器具 是因为大多数州监狱的刑具的糟糕状况,让我很担忧。
4. We present these statements as evidence before the court.
5. "We'd prefer not to do that," says the content industries.
译文:“我们不太喜欢那么干” 内容提供商如此自述。
6. You got autobiography. Now, that's where you have
译文:{\fn黑体\fs22\bord1\shad0\3aHBE\4aH00\fscx67\fscy66\2cHFFFFFF\3cH808080}你的自述 {\fnarial black\fs12\bord1\shad0\4aH00\fscx90\fscy110}You got autobiography.。
7. Read me the summary on this one.
8. "We'd prefer not to do that," says the content industries.
译文:“我们不太喜欢那么干” 内容提供商如此自述。
9. The only evidence you have are their confessions?
10. These are their signed confessions revealing all of these atrocities.
译文:医大的被告人朴镇宇等所有被告人 在亲笔自述书里 写下了所有的内容。
11. And you signed it yourself? Yes or no.
译文:自述书里的指印也是本人亲自盖上去的 是 不是。
12. They are the result of torture...
13. Forty percent of municipalities self-report dumping raw or partially treated sewage into our waterways.
译文:40%的市政当局在自述汇报中指出 曾倾倒未处理或 仅部分处理的污水进入水网。
14. And in that statement, that correction, there will be a kind of love.
译文:在自述中 在转变中 爱将长存。
15. One of them, Lolly, came in, and this is what she said the day she came in.
译文:其中有一位女士, 名叫洛莉 以下是她第一天到诊所来的自述。