经济带用英语怎么说 经济带的英语翻译

经济带用英语怎么说 经济带的英语翻译

经济带的英语是"economic belt",还可以翻译为  Economic zone,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到82个与经济带相关的释义和例句。


1. economic belt

经济带翻译为economic belt。

The university started some new language programs to cater for the country's Silk Road Economic Belt.


2.   Economic zone

经济带翻译为   Economic zone。

Developing the Yangtze River Economic Belt is a systematic project which calls for a clear road map and timetable.


3. economic belts -

经济带翻译为 economic belts -。

Today, China is trying to build the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.


4. economic zone -

经济带翻译为 economic zone -。

示例:Did you think of moving to a New Economic Zone?
我想你们可以搬到新经济区去住的 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Did you think of moving to a New Economic Zone?



1. weather effect(【证券】股票市场上涨给经济带来的影响)

2. economy(经济 )

3. eonomic(经济)

4. the economy(经济)

5. taenia of taenia(带;纵带)


The Yangtze River Economic Belt an economic development belt along the Yangtze River. ( 长江经济带 )

Silk Road Economic Belt the Silk Road Economic Belt SREB ( 丝绸之路经济带 )

” a Silk Road Economic Belt the Silk Road Economic Belt (丝绸之路经济带)

the Guidelines for Development Along the Yangtze Economic Belt the guidelines on building the econo( 长江经济带发展规划纲要 )

the Yangtze Economic Belt initiative ( 长江经济带发展 )

strategic partnership ( 战略合作经济带 )

The initiative of building a Silk Road Economic Belt ( 建设丝绸之路经济带 )

” the Yangtze Economic Belt initiative ( 长江经济带发展)

vigorous economic region ( 活泼的经济带 )


1. i make $5 miiiion a film and i'm flying coach?


2. Something-doo economics Voodoo economics

译文:什么经济? 伏都经济。

3. simplified, clarified... economized.


4. "when he became a trusted holder of the keys to the vault.


5. The economies were not growing.


6. Environmental protected, economical...

译文:环保、 经济。

7. Undermined the entire economy


8. i gotta have the business section.


9. ? still more feeding economy ?

译文:♪ 经济不断加增 ♪。

10. And it showed that for every $1 spent on Apollo, 14 came back into the U.S. economy.

译文:结果显示,花在阿波罗计划上的每一美元, 给美国经济带回了14美元。

11. The Chinese are extremely sensitive to the social implications of weakening growth because, obviously, high growth is really what gives the Communist Party its legitimacy in the eyes of its citizens.

译文:社会稳定及政治体系 中国人对虚弱的经济带来的社会问题非常敏感 因为 很明显在普通民众眼里经济快速增长提供了 支撑政府的合法性的基础。

12. That info has gigantic repercussions on the planet.

译文:因为任何一个不起眼的信息 都可能给全球经济带来惊人的影响。

13. The economies were not growing.


14. There's an economic upswing coming.


15. it's traditionally called the informal economy, the underground economy, the black market.

译文:通常它是叫做非正规经济, 地下经济,黑市。

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