Airbus A400M是英语词汇,中文翻译为“空中客车A400M”,是一款由欧洲联合飞机制造公司(Airbus Military)生产的四发涡扇发动机、高机动性的运输机。该机的主要用途是执行远程战术运输、空投、加油、救援和医疗支援任务。
1. Airbus A400M能够在各种恶劣环境和战场条件下执行不同类型任务。
Airbus A400M is capable of performing various types of missions in different types of conditions under battlefield environments.
2. 据说,Airbus A400M最多可以搭载116名士兵或几台装甲车。
It is said that Airbus A400M can carry up to 116 soldiers or several armored vehicles.
3. Airbus A400M的最大飞行速度可达780公里/小时。
The maximum flight speed of Airbus A400M can reach 780 kilometers per hour.
4. Airbus A400M在xx年参加了英国皇家空军的一次大规模演习。
Airbus A400M participated in a large-scale exercise of the Royal Air Force of Britain in 2013.
5. 马来西亚政府于xx年宣布购买四架Airbus A400M运输机,以增强国防能力。
The Malaysian government announced the purchase of four Airbus A400M transport aircraft in 2015 to enhance their defense capability.
6. Airbus A400M的设计中考虑了减少噪音和提高机动性能的因素。
The design of Airbus A400M takes into account factors such as noise reduction and improved maneuverability.
7. Airbus A400M使用全液压系统,可以在高高度和低温下操作。
Airbus A400M uses a full hydraulic system and can operate at high altitudes and low temperatures.
8. Airbus A400M在xx年开始交付给法国空军,并已被多个欧洲国家采购。
Airbus A400M began to be delivered to the French Air Force in 2011 and has been purchased by several European countries.
9. 因为Airbus A400M的灵活性和多功能性,它被认为是世界上最先进的运输机之一。
Due to the flexibility and versatility of Airbus A400M, it is considered one of the most advanced transport aircraft in the world.